The question is which Americans are increasingly concerned about his age and fitness. Only those who already think he's politically unfit for office, or a significant number of his supporters and those sitting on the fence as well?
Let's wait for some smug Australians to show up
I don't think it's a typo
I'm from the city of Neuss and I approve this message.
I've been lying to you. In truth, I have never even visited Neuss.
Bogatynia wurde von Tschechien annektiert
- Der Meckelfelder Ortsteil Bullenhausen gehört zu Schleswig-Holstein
- Das Stillachtal gehört zu Baden-Württemberg
- Bremen hat die Form von Österreich
- Bremerhaven hat die Form von Finnland
- Das Saarland hat die Form von Luxemburg
- Luxemburg hat die Form des Saarlandes
Auf welcher Instanz hatte er seinen Account?
Der Döner
I thought it was a child