years, dear. it's years.
and seriously, you can do better, sauces tend to keep for a while, especially the quality youd get there, and YOU CAN MAKE BETTER OMG. a five dollar (fuck) bottle and two dollars of ingredients makes a years worth of most of these kinds of sauces in bulk.
im skeptical but open to that. it's just that these models are pushing pushed into literally everything, to the point they're hard to avoid. I can't think of another kind of specialized lab tool that has had that done. I do not own, nor have I ever owned, a sample centrifuge. I don't have CRISPR tools. I have never, outside of academic settings, opened wolfram alpha on my home computer. even AUTOCAD and solidworks are specialist tools, and I haven't touched any version of either in years.
because these models, while not good for anything anyone should ever actually want outside a lab setting, are also very very good for fascism. they do everything a fascist needs to, aside from the actual physical killing.
and I don't think the level of development and deployment that these tools get, along with the wildly inflated price of the hardware to run them (or anything else) and death of web search, the damage to academic journals, etc, is a net benefit. even to specialized researchers who have uses for specialized versions of them as the statistical tool that they are. certainly not to the fields over the long term.
obvious fake though; the toilet isn't gold plated. he wouldn't touch it. he'd just shit himself and let someone change it later, rather than touch a non-gold toilet.
it's slightly curved, because earth is not flat, and is constantly spinning. also there might be weather/air current concerns that would save time/fuel. this is like the first thing you learn drinking on the other side of a bar from someone who has ever interacted with the 'actually doing things' side of any aircraft.
plus security concerns. lots of shady crap in california they don't want just anyone looking at from above.
explain in detail
please do.
no, this is SF to LA. It was the estrogen in the water that turned the flight path gay.
edit: we may also have local aviation laws that prevent straight flight paths. I'm not familiar with california aviation laws.
and in public health, almost the opposite has been proven for like a century+
nobody ever, and that's the problem. could still be fixed, but an ounce of prevention is worth a megaton of cure.
fun how you didn't respond to a single one of my points. because you can't.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.
yeah! I don't deserve better, but the people whose fault this is deserve much worse.