
joined 5 months ago
[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

While possibly curmudgeonly, I see your point!

I personally am of the opinion that all of earth and especially all life forms should get the mysticism/wonderment treatment (that includes the photosynthesis in a big way!). I just think for a lot of people (me included) it's easier with fungi because they're usually not as neatly explained throughout school, and thus not in the "normal stuff, boring" category.

I hope it's a kind of gateway wonderment for more nature appreciation in general :)

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Just wanted to let you know - I am currently examining my anxiety and exhaustion generating work and study habits hard (and why they are so easy patterns to slip into), and your post helped me answer a question I had and couldn't quite grasp.

Because for me, I generate The Dread© by imagining the disappointment of my professors, my boss, or parents, or whoever gave me the task or has a stake, if I don't do it in time. Which also means that I can't really do stuff for myself unless I imagine my therapist being disappointed or something. Which leads to weird and unusual attachments to people who have no idea of their significance, and a LOT of social anxiety.

But knowing the functionality of this pattern should be quite helpful in gently disengaging from it 🙂 So thanks!

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

You speak about Cheddar doing stuff with Gouda you have denied yourself doing with Swiss for Gouda's sake, and it's making you vengefully jealous.

~~My question is - did Cheddar explicitly ask these sacrifices of you, or did you just assume that it would be the right thing to do?~~ edit: nevermind, gotta read better...

I feel like both of you handled some things suboptimally, but this particular aspect sounds like you've been doing this to yourself by assuming instead of communicating.

Generally I don't really understand this situation. Jealousy is not something that just happens to someone and has to be avoided. Jealousy is the flashing warning signal that something is not right (like a relationship that is unstable, or a need that isn't met), and the starting point of a conversation, not the end of it. But there doesn't seem to be a conversation around that in your story. Why not?

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I will try that with the second batch, that's an awesome idea!!!

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

What it looks like when used for drawing!


I recently went to an exhibition on mushrooms at the botanical garden. Coprinus comatus was the main attraction, as it grows locally and is "mushroom of the year", apparently. If you harvest the caps and let them sit for a couple of days, they liquefy into a brown sludge. Strain that, and you have a beautiful brownish-black particle ink, with the particles being its spores. When young, they are also edible, and they stay non-toxic when liquid. Put a couple of drops of an antibacterial oil in it, and it keeps for some time. (Do not cook to sterilize though, as it congeals. Ruined the first batch like that!)

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Naja, ich hab wenig Geld und die Notwendigkeit, jeden Tag 60 km zu pendeln, um überhaupt welches zu haben. Da bleibt Zug oder Auto. Ich hasse Auto fahren und mag Zug/Fahrrad fahren, aber wenn es billiger wäre, könnte ich es mir nicht leisten, die "Luxusvariante" Zug zu nehmen.

Ist aber im Endeffekt egal - dazu können wir uns wieder sprechen, wenn Deutschlandticket 120€+ kostet...

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Eh, immer noch billiger als Auto neu anschaffen und unterhalten, was für mich die Alternative wäre... insofern 🤷

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Da und (im Moment und ohne absehbares Ende) förderiert sind, könnten User auf beiden (und allen anderen förderierten) Instanzen die community sehen, abonnieren und nutzen, egal auf welcher von beidem sie registriert sind. Reichweitenmäßig macht das also nicht so viel - die Existenz bewerben müsste man so oder so. Neue communities aufzuziehen ist wohl nicht ganz trivial.

Und ja, ich glaube, um eine community auf einer Instanz zu erstellen und zu moderieren muss man auf dieser Instanz User sein - insofern würde sich für dich slrpnk eher anbieten. Allerdings ist es auch nicht verboten, mehrere Accounts auf verschiedenen Instanzen zu haben...

Auf slrpnk könntest du außerdem den Vorteil haben, dass schon einige geneigte deutsche User hierher migriert sind, nachdem die Instanz untergegangen ist (und bevor auftauchte), also größere Chance auf Interessenten.

Ich finde die Idee gut, bin aber ein notorischer lurker und maximal mal Kommentator, weiß also nicht, ob ich persönlich hilfreich wäre. 😅

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Würdest du hier auf der SLRPNK-Instanz eine de-community errichten wollen, quasi als deutschsprachiger Anlaufpunkt, oder z.B. auf eine solarpunk-community als "Außenposten" im deutschsprachigen Lemmy?

(Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass du keine ganze Instanz hosten möchtest, das wirkt wie overkill)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Thank you!

I've only ever tried ink in one of the transparent water tank ones, which works, but the plastic stains a lot. I'd rather have a cartridge one for ink, but never saw them for sale... until now :)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Uuuh, where can I get one of these? Hopefully not just in China?

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Und heißt das, das die Wohnungsnot in Berlin jetzt auch aufhört?

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