UAW wasa fucking shitshow of corruption until a couple of years ago. looks like its back on its feet!
oh weird, never realized formal you was only for subject not object. nice poem btw
OK let me get this straight, are you OK with transfolks, but not folks betwixt? what a strange hill to die on.
the assassination of Alexander the second backfired completely.
many other places bury their wires and or do proper maintenance
my bike.
I would check in with another local Union. UC grad students are organized under UAW, which was nominally united auto workers.
found the astronomer
weird grammar to say someone made it up?
I'm sorry Russian cat girls? Wat?
There's a distinction to be made between things that "look" dystopian, and actual dystopias. I think a lot of our current visual language of dystopia was taken from fascist/communist design choices which were in many respects independent of all the oppression they perpetrated. this example really drove that home for me, since the media it inspired came to mind before the reality.
in the bay? you're hilarious.