@CatsGoMOW @GreenEngineering3475 Rodgers really is Farve 2.0?
@GreenEngineering3475 The NFL needs to start treating Achilles injuries as 2 year injuries at best. They are trying to bring people back too soon.
@RandAlThor It's still hard to believe that Maga is outraged at a one knee but okay with 2 Nazi salutes.
@d00ery @MicroWave Truthfully, I think most of America is unaware of just how expensive these changes are.
@dhork @cowfodder They used to have that. There was a 3 yard "imaginary halo" and you had to start your slide with at least three yards of separation for a penalty.
It might make sense to bring that back or at least make it a 5yrd vs. 15yrd if the QB slides late.
Same with the sideline. They should draw a second line 3 yards out of bounds and if you're hit in that line late it's a 5yrd penalty, outside of it 15yrds (and maybe an ejection).
@superduperpirate @GreenEngineering3475 Assuming it's true, I don't think a kicker can get away with this.
@finitebanjo @melpomenesclevage If Biden had the debate performance in the primary that he had on the General he would have lost to a wet paper bag.