Hi. I just enjoy watching fights.
Without giving much away...
Tap for spoiler
Nune is not "over", and there are some great story moments for June, Serena, and Fred
That's too bad! I've really enjoyed the direction the show has gone, but can also understand why a person might not. Season 6 (starting in April) will be the last, and I'm very excited to see how it ends
In the last week or so, I have finished all of the currently available episodes of School Spirits, Handmaid's Tale, and Severance. Gonna have to find some new shows (at least until Handmaid's Tale starts up in April)
You might be being banned because your video has the darknet URL to the site in question. You are inadvertently (I hope) advertising this community that you want to shut down.
As someone new to the engine: thanks for the resource!
Feels like this is starting to stretch the definition of cheat sheet.
“better” is kind of implied when you suggest “alternatives”.
Only with context, which is kind of what I was trying to say. The context was Firefox users who are not happy with its current direction, or people looking for a secondary browser. That kind of makes the only necessary criteria "Not Firefox". Everything else is the creator's opinions of which ones you "must try".
To be fair to the video, it presented alternative browsers for those who either aren't happy about recent Firefox changes, or users who want a secondary browser. I'm not a fan of Brave personally, but the video never really makes the claim that Brave is objectively better than Firefox
The article begins by talking about web exports. The default there is 42MB, which is kind of a lot for the web
Edit: Of course, compressed it is ~9, which isn't so bad, I suppose.
None that affected my choice in spectator sport.
That said, I'm a fan of the sport and some of the fighters, not so much the org or the people running it