...wikipedia's editorial process trends toward unbiased information over time...
joined 2 years ago
...buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo....
Whaling activist Paul Watson celebrates release from jail after Denmark refuses extradition to Japan
Killing and eating what you kill is not wrong, it’s natural and historical.
..¿por qué no los tres?..
9.3 bits / 1:628.3
(ipadOS / safari)
...how do they quantify 3/10 of a bit?..
...it's clearly a recently-filmed parody...
...i'll do it for an auto-renewing subscription of only $999 per month...
...or shadow of the demon lord...
...technically, it's not not classified, it's unclassified...
...does unclassified require something to have first been classified?..semantically, certainly, but technically i have no idea...
...there are at least three of us!..
…i thought little people lived in my parents’ radio and television who put on shows for us…
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