[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 0 points 5 months ago

How is a government subsidy "dumb capitalist nonsense"? The capitalist model would be for a single entity to buy all the small farms that can't stay in business during volatile market periods and monopolize the market entirely, with zero care to animal welfare, food safety, and customer prices (other than to maximize profits). Your comment is just just lazy "muh capitalism bad".

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

You're a quarter behind. Big drop 2024Q1, but you're right that the story has been growth - just slower growth than Tesla has promised, even with massive price cuts, and now we have a contraction. A lot of people dislike Elon because he's a fucking tool and this has to be a partial factor, we just don't really know how much.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

Ultra marathons are an entirely different sport from the 10k, and even marathons. Obviously training matters, but we also don't have to pretend all humans are identical and only training and grit separate them.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

How can you possibly think the US military, or any sovereign country, will magically spend an extra $165B a year on meat a year if all of the current consumers magically go vegetarian? Who exactly is going to eat a bunch of extra meat? There will just be fewer meat sales, period, ignoring a short term price drop if everyone magically goes vegetarian on the same day.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world -1 points 6 months ago

You're right that cold winters in northern latitudes present additional system constraints. But that doesn't mean the renewables + storage strategy is flawed, it means we need more transmission and more storage, and gas backup will linger longer in such areas than it does in warmer areas. We're still early in the transition and have a ton of low hanging fruit to capture before we need to really focus on the remaining 20%.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 1 points 6 months ago

How does empowering working class people solve the consumption issue though?

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago

The key here is that it's a vote for the most popular of the 2 candidates based on the votes of who bothered to vote for them specifically, then further butchered via the EC. It's a smaller, different pool of people that may elect someone that the actual majority prefer less, because part of the actual majority decided to play a different game entirely.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 2 points 6 months ago

Well said. A vote for Biden is a vote for his entire administration, including all the judges and secretaries and people behind the scenes. These have proven to be overwhelmingly competent people and the roles are absolutely critical. Trump has openly said he'll purge the entire federal government and replace them with lackeys. It's about more than just the man.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

No, it says "not necessarily per product unit". Your characterization of the abstract is incomplete as it doesn't definitely state what you're claiming it states. It's also a euro meta analysis, not a US analysis, so extrapolating your oversimplified conclusion is even more of a stretch since we're talking about the USDA. I'm more concerned about carbon, water use, pollinator collapse, and a host of other metrics than NOx (which is a function of diesel emissions standards and crop yield, and can be fixed independently).

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

That's twice now, RIP in peace friend

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

I'm not saying the system isn't stupid, I'm saying that blindly applying for every credit offer carries risk in and of itself. Plus hard credit pulls will temporarily hurt credit scores anyway. I just wanted to caveat that piece of advice for folks because I think being cautious and intentional with personal finance decisions makes more sense.

[-] pedalmore@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

Filling out every loan offer is insanity.

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