The Library of Babel by Borges melted my brain as a teenager.

What are some of your favorite mods you have on this playthrough?

Right, I think this is the point that the above comment is making as well. That the numbers of publicly/out gay people went up because of a more accurate count thanks to a less hostile sociopolitical climate.

I think the point that's being confused in that comment is that the fear mongering was obviously bullshit, and modern bigots pointing at any increase in LGBTQ+ identification nowadays may continue to use those statistics as justification for anti-LGBTQ+ platforms. Instead of engaging that argument that the hate mongers have always known is in bad faith, it's much more to the point nowadays to make them explain what they think is wrong with increased LQBTQ+ identification, or as the original comment put it, "Yeah, and?"

Thanks for providing this. Very well might be the source of the quote based on the date published.

Also is known for promoting falsehoods and is considered a hate group so I think there's still a decent chance that even that article linked isn't a real quote from Norris, though it might be since he was self-promoting via "Chuck Norris facts" for a while.

Anybody got a source on that quote? Looked for a minute but didn't find proof he said that. Chuck is a dumbass and those sentiments are echoed here, but this kind of seems like a fake meme quote to me. Please provide a source if I've missed it!

Bruh if I could extend my dog’s life by my smartphone’s lifespan for the same cost I of course would. Everybody I know would

The first time the government had been involved with an international investigation was the first in which it found the truth in its report on human smuggling of illegal goods in Britain from Britain in early December in a bid that could prove the case for an independent probe of a trade deal that ended a year later with an international agreement with Britain in violation in December


Further in the article (from the archive link above), just for context:

Some sick Pacific Northwest metal/hardcore to checkout:

There’s SO MUCH good modern hardcore music here right now that I’m barely scratching the surface, but hopefully at least one of these does something for you!

I love hyraxes (

lol these comments making the lemmy user base look ooooold, and I’m not that young haha

‘Hateing’ this post for that horrific spelling

There was still a choice (

Just put this out with my band and would love some feedback. Quite proud of how it turned out, but always looking to improve. Thanks for listening!

I must harness this power (
"Reduce stress" lol ok (
Sassy baby shiba (

We had Luca for less than 24 hours at this point, but he was obviously already making a big impression on us

Luca just turned 3! (

Our happy shiba just turned three years old and we love him to bits. He’s eyeing a (dog safe) sandwich just out of frame we made as a birthday feast 🥰

Weird Crickets (

Saw these on a rock by the river in the PNW while fishing today. Any idea what they are?

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joined 1 year ago