Derp, indeed
Typo: s/FOUR/FOR/
You are supposed to have a separate entry for the bicycle repair stand and the office. One could move leaving the other behind.
With, it should be easy to add them.
I contributed the "skiing" profile a few years ago :)
Yeah, but there is no button to remove all of them at once. And the next time you'll visit the site, they'll just get installed again - so I don't think it is very useful to delete them.
This is a browser feature called 'service workers' which indeed allows websites to keep a process running for e.g. notifications.and pending updates.
Can be highly annoying. Visit ‘about:serviceworkers‘ to see the installed ones.
🥰 Glad you enjoy it!
Thank you for the compliment!
I'm quite curious for your custom map, would you mind sharing it here?
Then, please, add this single place :)
You might make the difference for someone else
I created the routing profile and put it online, some other person then took it and actually integrated it and got it merged. So, I did the fun part and they did the boring (but also important) work.
So I'm not able to claim the full credit, but close enough to get a lot of bragging rights.