I don't think Microsoft is trying to reopen a power plant because theres some sort of modernist gooning wave happening, but I could be wrong.
Where's the one for gamers. It's the same GPU after all.
I had to write some javacc parser code and javacc is sort of terrible to write so I jammed in what I wanted and o1 gave me a real and reasonable solution, as opposed to 4o which was just bad. To go a bit Ted Kaczynski, we are already seeing a huge lack of critical thinking in market decisions. I've had bad ideas thrusted upon me that were clearly chatgpt inspired, at least before chatgpt the bad ideas had a bit of novelty to them. Now they are all this homogeneous badness. Most market bets are just throw things at the wall and see what sticks and sometimes people are accidentally right, but now we have this thing where everyone is making the same bets and nothing sticks. The short term productivity gains are far out-shadowed by this larger market madness. At least now the homogeneous decisions will be a bit better now, and hopefully a bit more well reasoned, but we're still at this level of bad we can never get away from.
For immigration, market shocks of cheap labor would hurt incumbents in the short term. Most well established companies already pay a premium for labor so cheap labor would only serve to increase competition, as it will take them time to replace their current staff with cheaper labor. The middle class also doesn't want their pay to decrease, but fail to see that would be generally better off. So most capital wants status-quo, which is a strict immigration policy with slow growth. Deportations seems more like a social filter over a particular demographic, we don't see highly skilled engineers get deported for example.