[-] required@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I honestly didn't really enjoy my past years. It's not like I was partying in the time I'd be doing new projects.
That number is definitely not anywhere near 10 or 15. And I'm not comparing myself to "average" because I was never average. Median income globally is 12k$ per year, and half of the people are earn lower than that. I only compare myself with people from similar background as me, and I see numerous examples they just did better choices with their time and opportunities.

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Your example kind of assumes every option is created equal. It definitely isn't.
I get a much better analysis of what I have done in my past as time passes. I realize I missed so many objectively good paths. I wish I could see what I'm currently doing in retrospect from future. Like, my future self comes and give me advice

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Nobody expects anything of that sort from me. I want it myself. I see people from similar backgrounds who has went through a different path than I chose (which was, usually, not based on reason or thought) and achieve great things. I just don't want to miss more opportunities anymore and it's incredibly hard to make sure you're on the right path.
I'm trying to do some stuff and have been semi-successful. But it's not the same as people starting earlier

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Psst you are 17. You can’t even legally waste your life on alcohol or drugs yet in Canada. Maybe you are/were messing around and causing trouble. You can still get out of it at this stage.

I wasn't really causing trouble to people around me, but I definitely caused trouble for myself. Either by lack of awareness or by laziness or mental problems. I just didn't do anything for myself. I think I don't miss anything that has happened in the past a lot, I just did regular stuff that was just enough to keep me afloat

I know almost everyone has a parent or relativ tell a kid to be the next Galileo, Mozart, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or invent the next thingymajig. But it’s more about what you desire to do, what you desire to be.

No one tells me that. In fact, everyone around me usually tells me "I'm proud of you" "I wish I was you" or stuff like that mostly for some good stuff I did in the last year
I'm just not content with myself. I want more, and seeing people that have more makes me feel bad so I also want that

[-] required@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I hinted in the post I was 17
What I achieved doesn't satisfy me (nor my actions), and I want to change that

[-] required@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I'm not history-level obsessed on fame/glory/prestige (yet, lol) but I just want to prove myself or get validation etc. tbh
I just don't feel like I'm on the right track for the life I want.

Besides, you don't know how many people out there are looking at you right now and going, "damn, wish I was OP, having the maturity to question their place in the universe at only xx years old!"

And I'm saying the same for 14 year olds 😭 They're so mature and have some understanding of the life lmao, something I definitely didn't have. I was so dumb at the time.

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

I don't mean "sleeping around" literally, I just didn't know what phrase to use to describe just kind of not doing any out-of-box activity and missing opportunities around you in general.
I did this too much it kind of affects some of my personal life negatively atm.
Context: I'm hope-to-be international student
I'm whining I have so little time to prepare for college admissions but... I could literally start preparing 2 years ago but I didn't know I could study abroad at the time. Which is, kind of the dumbest assumption I made in my life. Have I never seen a single international student? Why would they not let you enroll? Why I decided I couldn't study abroad for some reason? Why I took the words of the principal or family for a topic like that, they literally can't speak English? Worse, I got really upset for not being able to study abroad for two years bc it was like my dream - this combined with some others factors made a few years of high school a mental hell for me
I could attend an international high school that would help with the process but I (literally this time) slept around instead of researching high schools.
I didn't learn German even though I set that myself as a goal before, now I can't apply to German universities, which would be free so I wouldn't be stressed for getting scholarships right now
My examples are academic only but similar stuff exist in my social life as well, or like any other area
And time passes so fast I feel the pressure on my shoulders to not sleep around at least because I know I'll regret that later on

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

money hungry ladder climber

I think this is pretty close to my life outlook right now. I really don't have any dream like that tbh 😭

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm aware of this effect. And I can say I'm pretty better positioned than many people I know irl. But I can still find people to envy to.
I'm also really materialistic in my world view recently. I think I'd want prestige and money and validation over anything else. Not sure how correct this thinking is but I don't think I really have anything else to look up to^___^

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

You seem to have figured it out at least. Happy for you!

[-] required@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I think my life goal is getting myself satisfied. Just getting more achievements to boost ego, and feeling pride etc.
Idk that's just how life looks like to me. I don't even seem to care about much else

[-] required@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And that entire time I could think about anything but how little I’ve done with my life. How boring I must sound talking to anyone because I have zero experiences. But about 8 years ago, I got diagnosed and medicated.

I'm suffering from a similarly-caused "unexperiencedness" of but thankfully I could get out it before it in just two years - which is really still long enough to make you feel missing out. I have far fewer to tell people about but thankfully I still manage to be somewhat interesting most of the time, especially recently. On unrelated note, tips on how to build experiences and things to talk about post-recovery, or mitigate the effect of effectively doing nothing in the last years?
I definitely think of what would happen if I just, you know, didn't get depressed at all and worked on myself.

If I don't compare myself I think I'll miss out from seeing some fundamental perspective. I benefitted so much from comparing myself with people after that unlucky period. But the unhealthy comparisons I made during that period made me go all the way downhill. It probably depends a lot on how you view it.

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