Remember the Duracell ad?
Or schools expeling you for truancy...
The Mosquito was a device for keeping teenagers away from the entrance of stores. It emits a tone so high, only yoots can hear it, us old fucks can't hear it, lol.
To Sto'Vo'Kor!
RIP Kurn, son of Mogh
Edit: i just realized I wanted a Klingon to "rest in peace". Fight the good fight in the afterlife, warrior.
If i had ever done this to my dad, he would have beat the shit out of me...
Yup. No point in being a decent person anymore. I've never been arrested, never touched a kid (backhands don't count, little bitch was asking for it), and i pay deferral income and land owner taxes
But I'm to be put to death because I'm gay. Fights over, decency lost.
Suicide rate about to chime in.
Hack n slash games: disable weapon "trails".
I don't need a motion blur the size of a city bus everytime i swing my weapon...
Oh honey, the last name isn't the (main) problem...
Yeah, I'd just drill a hole and turn them into planters. #plantdad
AI Models Falter ~~Answering Election Questions in Spanish~~.
So, Iron Maiden!?