I've yet to meet a Libertarian who wasn't just a lazy Republican.

koreader is my goto reader, on my tablet and phone. The interface is a bit unintuitive, but once you get it set up to your liking, it's a great reader.

I've just watched the first one. Thanks for posting. It's nice listening to a higher level of discourse after the current level of weak bullshit.

As I read somewhere recently, there is good weird and bad weird. You know which is which by how the target reacts. Almost all my friends are weird. Good weird. Except for Steve.

I just use Telegram with friends and family as an alternative to sms. I'll have to ask if any of them are selling drugs, because it would be handy to have a connection.

Is this a meme? I mean, it seems more like a factoid.

Here's another quote from last month:

China still has “many problematic laws and policies” regarding the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region two years after the UN human rights office, OHCHR, published a report on serious violations against the Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities, a spokesperson said on Tuesday. -https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/08/1153621

Like I said, it's not hard to find damning info, despite Chinese autocratic crackdown on free press and news. Then again, I figured you'd try to discount the source no matter what came up or where it's from. I get it. You're some strange China apologist. A disgusting stance from someone who is so quick to damn one genocide, but excuse others. And seemingly ignores even others. I'm done with you and your "genocide denier" (to quote you) idiocy.


It's not hard to find evidence, Mr. The-genocide-I-care-about-negates-all-other-genocides-taking-place. It's freaking hilarious to be spuriously called a denier, buy someone actually denying a genocide. That was the laugh I had, and continue to have.

Uh-oh. I don't think taking away their main supporter will make magats very happy.

15k of them were Hamas terrorists. More civilians die in every war and that's really fucked up. And do you really not believe the Uyghur genocide is a thing?

It’s not “single issue voting”, it’s having a moral baseline.

Sounds like both could be true at the same time.

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