[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Yep. And the streaming tech bros collusion with the industry mobsters took it to another level. The people making the art are a mere annoyance to the jerks profiting from it. And yet the ai which they think saves them from this annoyance requires the art be created in the first place. I guess the history of recorded music holds a fair amount to plunder . But art - and even pop music - is an expression and reflection of individuals and wider zeitgeist: actual humanity. I don't see what value is added when a person creates something semi unique, and a supercomputer burns massive amounts of energy to mimic it. At this stage all of supposed AI is a marketing gimmic to sell things. Corporations once again showing their hostility to humanity.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Yeh a symptom of consumerism being (or pretending to be) the antidote to everything. A solution can always be purchased.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Hadn't thought of this. I wonder how they would tread what you'd think would be a thin line. Or are lonely people that credulous? On the other hand being provided your perfect match during the trial period and falling in love with this corporate entity which you are then made to pay for access to? Dystopian.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

Current NZ gov are certainly more cozy with the US. No idea how braggable it is though. He seems to have been forgotten about after the initial national embarassment the whole fiasco was at the time. Maybe these clowns want him to quietly go away . So yeh horse trading.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

“ Denis Ritchie Advance ! “, just put an exclamation mark at the end of the first line. More of a declaration .

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

I guess you want the internet to be a place for finding useful information, and/or the entertainment you choose to access, over it being a long uninteruptable stream of infomercials for crap products you have no interest in? Then groogle is not for you. In fact groogle is not for humanity.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

I don't have any skin in this game, but what are the Orwellian talking points you refer to? I’m curious how this term is used and develops over time.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

A small addition to the discussion - I pay in advance with cash for 10 coffees at a cafe I go to several times a week. Its an informal arrangement, and a very small independent cafe (these are common in my country). If you have a regular spend somewhere ask if they could do this. Obviously it doesn't work for all things. I wouldn't do it as a pay later type of tab though otherwise you’re back in credit land. It works for me as its the best coffee in my area, an indie outlet, and they threw in 1 free per 10 paid for. They get my loyalty I guess and money in their bank (or cash in the till)- also bypassing the 3 or so middle men orgs between my bank and their bank by way of visa etc. which is another big motivator for me - we are being reamed in our country with up to 3% charge for using a credit card. Maybe thats common globally?

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

Ditch touch screen and give it physical buttons and we’ll be on to something.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

I liken using groogle for finding factual information to using the yellowpages for doing the same. YT isn't much better but it suffers many of the conflicts of interest traditional media outlets also had, depending on the corporation. In this case the almighty algorithm is the conflict of interest, though there are clever content creators out there making some good stuff, they’ll always be beholden to the owners of the platform and the true customers - the advertisers. As an advertising platform which can direct punters to actual long form content directly supported by watchers via patreon or similar, I understand why it is used : the sheer numbers using it.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

That’ll help with keeping a low profile. I personally go for a red flashing clown nose, and triggers in my shoes which set off a loud explosion sound with every step. The speaker is in my ridiculously tall top hat.

[-] stellargmite@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

Parent of a 5 year old year one student and just had first parent teacher interviews last couple days. As anecdotal as this will be, with my sample size of one, plus being in touch with other parents, this is a pointless populist move. The teachers are working their absolute arses off ensuring our kids are getting everything they can get. And already doing this needless to say. My kids teacher looks bloody exhausted at the best of times, and is made of stronger stuff than I or this highly rested smug shiny faced fake smiled property magnate. What teachers need are more resources, more time (i.e more teachers) and more pay. These useless checkbox ticking numbskulls think we fall for this empty grandstanding? Absolute wastage of resource, ironically.

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