a singular politician. he's going to die on the job, in the middle of an impassioned speech on behalf of the working class. indefatigable. not even Lincoln or Kennedy had a fraction of the perseverance and consistency this man has demonstrated. a true public servant.
Nazis are fucking cowards. challenge them even the slightest and they crumple.
77 million / 155 million eligible voters.
this is what the ultra wealthy made them want. the lumpen's desires are as manufactured as the hot cheeto dust caked upon their lips.
Now, say it all together class:
Political parties won't help us
Corporations won't help us
Government won't help us
We have to help each other.
they knew what they were signing up for.
godspeed you glorious kamikaze children!
I believe people who study public opinion about science have noted that confidence drops during outbreaks and epidemics... if that's the case, Covid does stand out to me as the first time in my life when laypeople began misusing and misunderstanding science at scale, loudly and as part of their proclaimed identity.
makes sense that when a story of global 24/7 proportions eclipses all other news for 2+years straight, that it would become politicized and weaponized in the culture. our winner-takes-all first-past-the-post lesser-of-two-evils duopoly political system, combined with news as entertainment, and now we have folks that have made anti science their entire fucking identity.
Carl Sagan refered to it as The Demon Haunted World (good book btw). Goya criticized it in his paintings. the Catholics burned people at the stakes because of it.
History repeats; reactionary political/theological movements help ensure that it does.
fr this pic was taken in maybe 2012 at the earliest. filter appears to be early Instagram. mixing consoles from the mid 90s with phone from 20yrs later is kinda ridiculous.