[-] tables@kbin.social 6 points 4 months ago

Boring answer, but I play on the PC exclusively. When I'm not playing, I'm usually already using the PC for other stuff, so it's a faster switch than jumping to some other device. I thought about getting a Steam Deck for a while, but I gravitate so much towards the PC that I think I'd probably put it down after a while.

There's usually "routine" games I'll play during the week when I have little time - which are usually games that are unlikely to receive any big updates - and I'll leave new games to moments when I know I can sit down for a long while without worries.

The PC I use for gaming is practically only a gaming box, though. I don't tinker with it nearly as much as I used to. And I've started using a controller more, when that's an option.

[-] tables@kbin.social 12 points 5 months ago

It says it's been updated 12 years ago apparently.

[-] tables@kbin.social 10 points 5 months ago

I'd never heard of GL TRON but I just installed it out of curiosity and it does seem to run fine. Android 13.

[-] tables@kbin.social 8 points 6 months ago

I'd say yes, not necessarily because of the story ties, but because there's progression in the gameplay itself. So playing the second one after the first one will feel like an upgrade in gameplay. Whereas if you decide to play this one right now and at the end you're left wanting for more, going back to the first one might feel like a slight downgrade (even though I love it as well).

[-] tables@kbin.social 4 points 10 months ago

I get what you mean. My pet peeve is more with "real life" people. I don't spend that much time on Lemmy anymore because, well, in a lot of ways it's a lot like the worst parts of Reddit. And, in general, I've started to notice that "internet opinions" hardly ever represent what I see when I talk to real life people. So I tend to not care much about anything coming out of Lemmy, Reddit, Twitter, etc, as I find it's often the loud very tiny minority.

But I have the habit of reading opinion pieces on a couple of national newspapers, and I've noticed the "you're an anti-semite if you disagree with me" pattern a lot. Most opinion pieces by usually left leaning political writers have been more level headed than I actually expected them to be - in the sense that there's a couple of them who usually hold far more extreme positions on pretty much everything else and have been surprisingly "center" on this issue. Whereas on the right, a few people who I would say are usually fairly moderate and level headed have gone hard on the "the left actually hates jews, they don't care about civilians" trope. And it's very confusing to me because I have yet to find any actual left leaning person who's any relevant in my country's political scene actively sharing that discourse. So it all feels like baseless deflection. It was the kind of behavior I expected out of Reddit - it's been the case for years I feel that in most bigger subreddits any critique of Israel's government would immediately make you an honorary anti-semite. Though that seems to have changed a bit after we entered the "Bibi is trying to turn Israel into a dictatorship" arc and he's not seen as the savior of Israel anymore. But it weirds me out to see these talking points coming out of real life political commentators who I would usually expect to be at least somewhat level headed. In general, with exceptions from the usual crazies and outside places like Twitter, I have yet to find the big leftist pro-Hamas discourse everyone seems to pretend is all around.

[-] tables@kbin.social 5 points 10 months ago

It’s why I happily soak up the downvotes all the time from the pro-Hamas crowd on here.

The second part of this sentence is likely why you're downvoted. The whole "everyone who disagress with me is pro-Hamas / anti-semitic" is tiring, disingenuous, shoves aside any possible good faith discussion, and I'd argue it's actually destructive as it muddies the definition of these terms. Anti-semite specifically is a term I don't think people should be throwing around willy nilly, but by this point, 99% of the time I see it used in online discourse it describes someone who doesn't think mass civilian bombings are OK, and maybe 1% actual anti-semites. It's basically the right wing version of some "leftists" calling people fascists for having the slightest right of center opinion.

I usually either scroll past any mention of these or downvote and move on because it's too tiring to devote time to people who, most of the time, are arguing in bad faith.

[-] tables@kbin.social 16 points 10 months ago

but they just waited for years

Israel destroys Gaza tower housing AP and Al Jazeera offices - 2021

Israel Bombs Hospital and UN Building - 2019

'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 - 2014

You can Google for "Israel bombs", limit the results to whatever range of years you want, and you'll find plenty of these. Throughout the years there's been areas of Gaza that haven't even had time to rebuild before they're being bombed again. Searching for "UN condems Israel" is another great one. It's almost funny how many times a country can be condemned for war crimes by the UN without any actual repercussions against that countries' government, as long as they're "allies". Is this what you call "waiting for years"?

[-] tables@kbin.social 2 points 10 months ago

I personally have a pet peeve with commenters who edit their posts to complain about having "offended" others when all of the replies are reasonable and calm. It always makes it seem like the commenter was actively trying to upset others, and when they noticed no one was actually upset and people only gave reasonable replies, they pretend everyone was upset anyway so they don't actually have to engage in a conversation.

[-] tables@kbin.social 22 points 11 months ago

He was in the opensuse board of directors at some point I think. I knew him from his Youtube channel that talked about Linux and related topics, it was fairly popular in the Linux community for a while. I mostly watched it for Linux related news and technical opinions. A bit after he left that position, he started occasionally mentioning how now that he wasn't representing opensuse anymore he could finally "speak freely". That's when the channel started taking a weird turn.

At first he started going on weird political tangents while doing the whole "I don't talk about politics" thing. Some videos started popping up where he would attack some person or organization for what seemed to be mostly political reasons, but under the guise of his reasoning being purely technical.

Eventually, he just started sounding like someone who fell into a conspiracy rabbit hole, or some weird far right cult. I stopped watching then, most of his videos by then had little technical interest anymore and they sounded more like someone who was losing their mind. I don't know if it's a mental issue or something, but his whole persona shifted dramatically into something... weird. I haven't kept up in the mean time, though.

[-] tables@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago

I recently played Metro Exodus and I felt like it was a drag at the beginning of the game instead. It was one of the few times in my life in which 1 hour into the game I was so bored I was googling whether the game would eventually get going and become fun. The story "twist" at the beginning felt extremely rushed and out of nowhere and it sort of put me off. But as the game got going I got very into it and I was the one "dragging" it by doing every secondary objective.

[-] tables@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

I've been playing Cities Skylines a lot - got pulled back in with all the talk about the new one - and also Going Under.

Going Under is one of those games I bought a while ago because it seemed fun, played for a bit, got my ass kicked more than what I was used to with roguelites and stopped for a while. I started playing it again recently and think it finally made sense to me. Looking back, I probably wasn't paying much attention to the game the first time I tried it because I didn't understand there was an indication for weapon damage on different weapons - which made weapon choice feel random - and I also didn't understand how the mentor system worked - which is a big part of the strategy of the game. I've been having a lot of fun with it now, though.

[-] tables@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

I tried to play the original System Shock two/three years ago but gave up at a stage that felt very close to the end. I basically had a save at a weird spot, when I was low on ammo and anything else useful, right between two complicated rooms. I reloaded a ton of times and always died trying to go forwards or backwards before giving up.

Anyway, would you recommend System Shock Remaster for someone who likely almost completed the original one, gave up, but still liked it overall? Or is there something shockingly different about the original's ending I'll be missing?

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