Updated the post. Thanks for the feedback!
No it doesn't. If Google stops supporting it, the community forks it and continues development. Has happened often in the past.
No. Brave builds on top of the Chromium engine which is from Google but open source.
It's quite counterintuitive but most stuff is not an asset but rather a liability. You have to maintain, clean, store it. Messiness comes from having too much stuff. It's almost impossible if you only have things that are really meaningful for you.
Good points
Keep us up to date on how it tastes! :)
This is also the way to a more meaningful and fulfilling life!
That's why I'm a big proponent of the Anticonsumption and Minimalism Movement. :)
You are right. It's just a friendly reminder. :)
Yes we have to keep it inclusive. However, it's still not bad that we encourage people to buy as locally as possible.
That's why he needed to bribe someone into saying that he has. ;)