It seems our guardians of law and order have been less than forthcoming when it comes to the true state of crime in this country. According to the data, nearly 3.4 million violent crimes per year go unreported to the police. And why, pray tell, are these heinous acts being swept under the rug? The answer, my friends, lies in the self-serving machinations of the boys in blue.


Rathbone and Chris Jeffries critique Zionist arguments for Jewish claims to the land in Israel, particularly those based on biblical rights. They argue that using the Bible to justify ethnic cleansing is illogical and dismiss the UN's 1947 partition plan, which they claim favored Zionist settlers and forced Palestinian Arabs to flee. The speakers also discuss early Zionist involvement in terrorist organizations like the Irgun and Lehi, which committed massacres against Palestinians that expanded Israeli control, and challenge Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas rockets in occupied territory. The speakers draw parallels to historical resistance against oppression and emphasize material conditions as the root cause of conflict.


Cop City, officially known as the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, has become a focal point of debate and protest. This massive, militarized police training compound is under construction in the Weelaunee Forest on the southeastern outskirts of Atlanta. As the project unfolds, attention has shifted to the companies and foundations involved in its creation. The Funding Landscape

The Atlanta City Council approved funding for Cop City in June 2023, allocating a total budget of $90 million. While $30 million comes from the city’s budget, the remaining funds are expected to come from private donations channeled through the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF) — the nonprofit arm of the Atlanta Police Department (APD). https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/coca-cola-is-the-biggest-funder-of-cop-city-the-90-million-police-center-the-public-voted-against-aea03bfc09b1


The revelations about the torture and abuse of detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq are a stain on the honor and reputation of the United States that will not soon be washed away. According to the available evidence, the mistreatment of prisoners at this American-run facility was not the work of a few “bad apples,” as the Bush administration would have us believe, but rather a systematic and widespread practice sanctioned at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

The majority of those incarcerated at Abu Ghraib — some 70 to 90 percent, according to one source — were in fact innocent of any wrongdoing. Yet these hapless individuals were subjected to a litany of horrors, including “physical abuse, sexual humiliation, physical and psychological torture, and rape.” The abuses were not limited to Abu Ghraib, but were part of a “wider pattern of torture and brutal treatment at American overseas detention centers, including those in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.”


Over the Past 5 Years, Police in the U.S. Have Killed Over 9,000 People

According to the data compiled by The Washington Post, over the past 5 years from 2019 to 2023, police in the United States have killed more than 9,000 people, averaging 1,095 deaths per year or approximately 3 people killed by police per day. This staggering number highlights the significant issue of police use of lethal force in the country.


The latest revelations surrounding the New York Times’ internal memo on reporting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stand as a damning indictment of the paper’s abdication of its fundamental duty — to speak truth to power, no matter the consequences.

The Times’ directive to its staff, instructing them to avoid using terms like “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “occupied territory,” and even “Palestine,” is a betrayal of the very principles that underpin a free and independent press. For an institution that purports to be the “newspaper of record,” this memo is a sordid exercise in linguistic gymnastics, a transparent attempt to obfuscate the realities of a conflict that has seen over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with countless more wounded and displaced.


https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/osama-bin-laden-committed-9-11-because-of-the-treatment-of-palestinians-according-to-his-2002-0e5ed5d57ceb In the aftermath of the devastating September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the world grappled with understanding the motivations behind this horrific act. Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11, left behind a letter titled “Letter to America,” written in 2002, which sheds light on his ideology and the reasons he cited for the attacks.


On October 14, Israeli President Isaac Herzog made a statement that has ignited intense debate and controversy. His words, “There are no innocent civilians in Gaza,” have raised serious concerns about their implications and potential genocidal intent. In this article, we will delve into the context, legal definitions, and the broader impact of such statements. https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/israeli-president-isaac-herzog-said-there-are-no-innocent-civilians-in-gaza-47e4ed0899ea

[-] thehomelessromantic@hexbear.net 3 points 6 months ago

https://medium.com/p/2746ef1cd8cf Oh, the irony of it all! In the land of Goethe and Beethoven, where the echoes of the Berlin Wall’s collapse still reverberate, the powers that be have decided that the right to free expression has an expiration date. And what better way to demonstrate this than by unleashing the might of 900 police officers on a humble pro-Palestinian conference?



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