I recall hearing that already during the classical antiquity the Greeks and later the Roman could have invented steam engines (for reference of their technical skills see the Antikythera mechanism), but the abundance of cheaper slave workers made this economically infeasible.
To fuck with computers that don't know how to do UTF8, add a few emoji.
Even better, add some byte sequences that are invalid UTF-8.
Die Älteren unter uns werden sich noch an den Wechsel von DM zu € erinnern, als in Restaurants die Währungsymbole ausgetauscht wurden, aber die Beträge gleich blieben.
I guess this refers to MiG-24 vs. F-15. Wikipedia writes:
The appearance of the MiG-25 sparked serious concern in the West and prompted dramatic increases in performance requirements for the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, then under development in the late 1960s. The capabilities of the MiG-25 were better understood by the West in 1976 when Soviet pilot Viktor Belenko defected in a MiG-25 to the United States via Japan. It turned out that the aircraft's weight necessitated its large wings.
Many projects accept donations, for example for server costs or travel expenses (conferences, meetings). You can setup recurring monthly transfers to projects whose software you use most often. Examples are the Free Software Foundation for various GNU tools or the KDE project.
Do not put people who strive for power into power, and vice versa.
Seemingly not mentioned so far has been "Battlestar Galactica" (the 2000s version). Less about exploration, more about survival, with action, character development, and philosophical/religious questions.
Did someone say ‘Wing Commander’?
If you tell LinkedIn they do something illegal, they'll just ignore you. If you ask a court to tell them, they'll at least have to make a calculation what is cheaper: complying with a court order (less profit from using your data) or ignoring it (more legal fees). We will soon know.
Wenn das mit den Windräder und Strompreisen so stimmt, muss das geändert werden. Ich habe anderswo gelesen, daß Studien gezeigt haben (keine Quelle zur Hand), daß die Akzeptanz steigt wenn die lokale Bevölkerung direkt davon profitiert, z.B. durch Pachteinnahmen. Wenn dann da eine Plakette hängt mit „diese Schule wurde mit Einnahmen von Windrädern renoviert“, klappt es auch mit der Akzeptanz.