caddy-docker-proxy is amazing, I just ned to specify two labels in the compose file and the service is online via a reverse proxy and automatic ssl.
A masterwork
Oh god imagine you use pirated windows
They were produced in 2006-07 (according to Think wiki)
I could, true, and I certainly would if I would use it as a daily driver, but it's a bit too old for that
There are still type 3 games eg. The Witcher, Baldurs Gate 3, etc.
There's an article about this:
Gnomified KDE! I might have to give it a try myself
The only time I ever used edge xD
Okay thanks, I will try it
Irelia 100% this season. Top lane feels like home since I know tactics there (I've been trying Irelia mid, but I'll return to top lane)
With Irelia, when having decent farm, I can kill enemies that have significantly more items than me by outplaying. Also, it's not unusual to come back from a lost lane with splitpushing
Really? Why don't just use it unregistered?