That's... Exactly what the article said. I'll grant you their formatting is horrible though.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Would you rather things stayed as they were?
Please mind the rules and tag this NSFW. I can't have random Johnsons popping up on my screen in public!
I agree with you there. It's a known issue, the workaround is to load into comments.
Loads perfectly fine for me. FYI, you have to view the comments for the full image to load. If you click on it from the main feed, you'll get the blurry low res version you posted.
Yeah I used to enjoy them. But they've been really shit recently
Can you link to the post in question?
Thank you for bringing some sanity to the discussion
They're a Filipino. Not exactly an infamous source of antisemitists. And '88' may mean something in the west, but here in Asia it generally means nothing more than your birth year.
Are we now accusing others of antisemitism based on nothing more than a few random letters? WTF?
Infamous implies somebody is famous in a negative way. If anything, Gabe is a shining example that should be upheld.
Until the next time they try to revoke the license, you mean?