For non FOSS i use Niagara, for FOSS i use Kvaesitso

Navigate to the Releases tab. You'll find every app versions released by the dev. In the bottom of each version there is a Download section, click the file with .apk and install it manually on your phone

For people wondering, the extension is also capable of changing clickbait title into a more descriptive one. You could also have a button toggle on each video to see the original title and thumbnail vs the changed one

The price to pay for convenience is too steep for most people to migrate. Also if you just an average user, most of the time you will not get instant gratification for being more privacy-aware. The more you try to be more aware the more you realize that to achieve a certain level of privacy is really a pain in the ass.

Me: cries in air galon isi ulang

said ripley to android bishop

The one-hand navigation is just....cheff kiss


joined 1 year ago