submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by morrowind@lemmy.ml to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

Spit naturally dissolves, so it cleans well, and fast too. It's not not harmful to any common materials afaik, it's always immediately available. You need some way to wipe it off of course, just like with any other cleaning agent.

Just don't let others see you, cause they'd be grossed out.

(Well it might be a little unhygienic, which is why it's best as a quick/temporary solution, and you can do it properly later)


it is regulated by many the same groups who utilize the system, and so it is inherently corrupt.


... so you could type anything at the terminal and the artificial intelligence would provide documentation + suggestions for corresponding commands. Of course, the a.i. should never be able to run any commands by itself.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ModerateImprovement@sh.itjust.works to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

No one can mention any real life examples of both theories and that is because they are fictional theories.

  • Socialism assume that companies could work with no centralized ownership which is impossible in real life, it's like the believers of this theory ignore all the human psychology and assume the perfection in the world.

  • Anarcho-Capitalisim assume that it's possible to live in 100% autonomous society while ignoring all the big issues(unfair laws, corruption in law and protection agencies, ...etc)


TLDR: People who criticize capitalism are still using it and benefiting from it more than they should, hoarding resources more than their essentials.

I see a lot of people online who criticize Free market economies without thinking about the people who make it work which is them.

If people collectively in masses had stopped buying luxury items for example that industry would die out in a couple of years, apply that to any other industry (with the exception of necessary ones like medical industries) and the same results is expected to happen. why do people do not do that and kill the bad industries you ask, because they are in need of Free market economy and it's results.

It's like people who are looking to change from free market economy like to think of themselves as week enough to not be able to change it but strong enough to hate it, while in reality they are strong enough to change their economic system but week enough to not think about the problems in other economic systems. I think that most believers who think that the world is making a mistake by committing to free market economy are people who believe in idealistic values without looking at the science or history of application.

Most popular figures in the modern age who associate themselves wirh other economic systems, don't bother to even try to apply it to their lives and a lot of them are very rich with millions of dollars(Example: Bernie Sanders networth is more than one million dollars).

I fully understand that everyone dream of a better world where everyone in the world has good food, healthcare and education, but sadly that is impossible and the best that can be achieved in real life is to collectively have a system to support the people who need help in hopes of making capitalism easier on them.


Hear me out. There's a lot of signs that I see that Tywin is actually trying to help Tyrion. The key moment is when Tywin yells Tyrion that he is worthless and doesn't anywhere near the family or Kings Landing and that he should disappear and do his own thing. Afterwards Tywin forces Tyrion marry Sansa that would have not only secured Lannister and Baratheon support to secure the north, it would have made Tyrion a lord, and a lord to one of the most honest and noble houses in the entire mythos.

Tywin never made any claim to another person that his son disgusted him Tye only time he would same something of that sort was in front of Tywin himself. He would always defend him as a Lannister no matter what. Tywin was even well aware of Shay and let it go until the king died. Tywin was calculating and wise. He would know how to talk to his child to guarantee they seek their own path. Another show of this is at Tyrion's trial. Jaime sacrifices what he wants for his brother and Tywin accepts it without hesitation.

My theory is Tywin was never meant to hate Tyrion, but knew that Tyrion could be doing greater things than the politics of his house, and wanted Tyrion to be free of the house because that would be the only way. Tywin even tells the story that he was going to throw Tyrion into the ocean, but he didn't. He let him live. He never explains why he let Tyrion live. He just did. Was it love for your child? I think so. I don't believe Tywin wanted the same life for Tyrion, but thanks to Cersei, Tyrion was just pushed too far


This is not to say that seasons after the first one are bad, but sometimes I feel as though later seasons exist because of the show’s popularity and not because the creator had more to say (The Last of Us, even though I love Part II). Also, it’s okay to have an open-ended ending with loose ends, leave it to our imagination on what’s going to happen next (Westworld).


They are much more predictable, well understood and easier to dose than the chemical cocktail of natural compounds. Please note that I am not saying that there aren't any useful natural medicines. I am stating that it is better to isolate the active components.


I feel that outside the memes community , no one had ever said a joke in the comments and I rarely see sarcasm here.


I think that if an outright war is raging in the comments, let it run it's course. All parties are willing participants, free to disengage at any moment.

The exceptions should be when illegal content is being shared or illegal activity is occurring (CP, doxxing, etc).

It's always frustrating when a juicy argument gets locked because it's "unproductive". I was having a great time watching it unfold, both sides hurling both creative and uncreative insults, oblivious to how low they are sinking to. It's great!


I don’t like to sleep in near pitch black rooms. It just feels unnatural to me. It may be more the fact that it prevents the gradual transition to daylight unless you’re using an artificial light, so that bothers me more because you don’t know when morning is. But even when traveling I love to keep the curtains open through the night and sleep to whatever the natural light level is around me even if it’s in the middle of a city.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by mecfs@lemmy.world to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

Mental illnesses are real. But the construct of “mental illness” isn’t. There is no such thing as an “illness” that is completely psychological in nature, ie. only “caused by thoughts and behaviours”.

What are called mental illnesses belongs into three broad categories instead:

Biological Illnesses

Many “mental” illnesses are genuine biological illnesses that have been shunned from fields such as neurology and stigmatised by calling them mental.

Ie. Schizophrenia (part genetic, several brain changes), Bipolar (genetic, HPA axis dysregulation + structural signs), Major depressive disorders etc. I’d like to remind that many genuine illnesses that dont even affect the brain were called mental illnesses before we fully figured the pathology out. From peptic ulcer to lupus.

difficult living conditions manifesting through changes in behaviour

ie. Some cases of anxiety disorder (maybe its normal to be anxious in the case you’re living, ie. stressful 9-5 with lots of responsibilities), reactive depression (it isn’t a mental illness to be depressed when your spouse dies, its completely normal)

Normal behaviours that society chooses to brand as deviant

ie. Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, it is NORMAL, Same thing as homosexuality was called a mental illness in the past

Milk ruins cereal. (lemmy.world)

I eat my cereal straight from the box. Dry. Adding milk just makes cereal soggy and flavorless. Everybody wants crunchy cereal, but nobody wants to STOP ADDING THE THING THAT MAKES IT SOGGY!!!

I've never understood why people add milk. It's awful, and it ruins the cereal. Somehow I'M the asshole for adding milk??? Yeah, ok....

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ModerateImprovement@sh.itjust.works to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

When more than 1 person is speaking it feels like making sure the listener awareness and information about the topic is not the priority, while podcasts where 1 person is speaking, prioritize the listener as the top priority with higher ability to explain and inform.

I know that interviews and talks is one genre of podcasts, but I feel like they should not exist as they are very illogical in order and they seem to not inform, educate or entertain probably.


2 Examples that come to my mind, The boys season 4(with the exception of some episodes like the final episode) and Ted (Series).

I understand that sometimes inserting politics is fun in the media and is kind of breaking the wall, but when it's used in a way that throw away the storyline and transfer it almost to a speach instead of entertainment media it become very boring.

A clear example of it is the final episode in season 1 of the Ted series, the producers throw any story or comedy out of the window and just focused on gaining popularity points by trying to make the whole episode about politics.

I am not American, so maybe I don't get the reason it's being inserted in the media, but that is just my opinion.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ModerateImprovement@sh.itjust.works to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

SpoilerI think one big example that come to mind is Mr.Robot.

It's like the writers took all the questions that they layed in the person mind and just throw it in the garbage and replace it with new blank canvas to write a new story.


They should use maybe 3/4ths of the amount of flavor they do. It's overwhelming, and burns my tongue if I eat large amounts of them in one sitting.

That being said, I don't eat junk food much anymore anyways. Prices are sky high, portions are pathetic, and it's not like I wouldn't be he healthier without it.


And I don’t mean because it’s stored “pre-pitted”. I have a cherry pitter and if it doesn’t have the pit, it just tastes off.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ModerateImprovement@sh.itjust.works to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world
  • It's harmful for the foot health.
  • It can cause injuries.
  • It causes a distracting sound that is very annoying in quite places(Public libraries, education classes, ...etc)
  • I’ve never seen anyone who thinks they look good in it, and personally, I don’t believe it makes the wearer any more attractive.

I don't know why men or women wear it and I think the only reason it was invented is to fuel consumption as they are usually not as durable as normal footwear.


Mod Note: I'm bending the "no politics' rule to highlight a disgusting trend I've been seeing on Lemmy lately. Due to the sheer volume of comments fitting that trend and the huge number downvotes given to anyone who speaks out against it, I'm convinced this opinion is truly unpopular in the Lemmy-verse. This is also topical and important enough to merit discussion or at least to provide a point of reflection. So while it touches on politics, that's merely the framing device of current events being used to highlight a larger problem.

As you're inevitably downvoting this, at least take a good, long look in the mirror while you do so.

The sheer number of people here praising the shooter, advocating for, glorifying, or just flat out calling for violence has been a real eye opener and litmus test for the kind of people I've surrounded myself with on this platform. Suffice it to say, a lot of you have failed that test spectacularly.

A rational, independent thinker should be able to condemn this kind of violence even when it's targeted towards their "enemies." Political violence has absolutely NO PLACE in a healthy society, and no one should be praising or advocating for it. No one. Ever. This is one thing that, regardless of the paradox of tolerance, should be universally condemned.

There are, apparently, a ton of extremists here that don't see themselves as such because they believe their extremism is justified and that they're on the right side of history. Ironically, which is what all extremists think.

This goes back further than just yesterdays's events. For example, it's been a common refrain since the Supreme Court presidential immunity decision that, paraphrased, "The current non-dictator president should do dictator things to stop the other dictator". Which is just another flavor of "Extremism is bad except when it's my flavor of extremism".

Don't give me that "it's just gallows humor", "I'm oppressed, and he deserved it", "if you had a time machine, wouldn't you go back to 1934...", "we haven't been a healthy society for X years...", or other excuses. This is a BFD with major implications and ramifications, and y'all Lemmings are treating like we just missed the exit ramp to Utopia and are trying to find a wide spot to make a U-turn.

It's certainly fine to have no sympathy for the guy (I sure as hell don't), but it's another thing entirely to be cheering on, promoting, and/or advocating for extremist stances like those being thrown out lately.

You say you want a better society? Then act like it!

Moments like this are the true test of one's character and intellectual honesty, and I'm beyond disappointed in so many of you.


I don't understand this weird American obsession with flag. I was looking at some photos of Trump's rallies. Flags everywhere - on shirts, hats, glasses etc. And this bizarre cult of the flag - "it cannot touch the ground" etc.

At the end of the day the flag is just a piece of cloth. If you worship any flag or take offense to any flag, you need to get a life.


Applies to most other things as well. More often than not "original" are the best tasting.


This series has a tremendous pacing problem. It took its entire six episode run time to to get nowhere. It should have been eight episodes with the current six condensed into four.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by neidu2@feddit.nl to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

Basically what the title says. Here's the thing: address exhaustion is a solved problem. NAT already took care of this via RFC 1631. While initially presented as a temporary fix, anyone who thinks it's going anywhere at this point is simply wrong. Something might replace IPv4 as the default at some point, but it's not going to be IPv6.

And then there are the downsides of IPv6:

  • Not all legacy equipment likes IPv6. Yes, there's a lot of it out there.
  • "Nobody" remembers an IPv6 address. I know my IPv4 address, and I'm sure many others do too. Do you know your IPv6 address, though?
  • Everything already supports IPv4
  • For IPv6 to fully replace IPv4, practically everything needs to move over. De facto standards don't change very easily. There's a reason why QWERTY keyboards, ASCII character tables, and E-mail are still around, despite alternatives technically being "better".
  • Dealing with dual network stacks in the interim is annoying.

Sure, IPv6 is nice and all. But as an addition rather than as a replacement. I've disabled it by default for the past 10 years, as it tends to clutter up my ifconfig overview, and I've had no ill effects.

Source: Network engineer.

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