I’m torn. Both Galadriel and Sauron say the other is a threat to Middle-earth. One has to be wrong, so whom am I to trust? Should I trust the Dark Lord who attempted to topple the White City of Gondor, dominate all life, and attempt to stay in power for eternity? Or do I trust the Elf Queen representing the coalition of Men and Elves who defeated Sauron when he tried to enslave the Free Peoples… but could maybe do more meet-and-greets?

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[-] Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net 30 points 13 hours ago

Genocide propaganda. Why do you support, or at least not have a problem with, the extermination of the Palestinian people?

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 9 points 13 hours ago

Hypothetically and only for the sake of argument, let's say Harris "supports genocide". We know Trump supports …let's call it "Genocide+". What does that leave? I believe most people think Harris will make getting a permanent ceasefire and supporting a two state solution central tenets of her administration. And Trump will do something insane that will threaten many more innocent lives across the entire region.

You can cast a vote for the imperfect candidate (which is every candidate ever), you can cast a vote for the candidate most likely to start World War III. Or you can cast a vote for ~~Grima Wormtongue~~, oops I mean Jill Stein, who is on the take from both the Russians and the GOP, and end up helping WWIII guy. Those are your options. It's not necessarily a fun choice, but it shouldn't be a hard one.

[-] BelieveRevolt@hexbear.net 17 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

you can cast a vote for the candidate most likely to start World War III

Yes, Kamala the warmonger who explicitly supports arming Israel and wants to escalate against Iran and Russia. She also loves Cheney the murdering war criminal, which tells you how she really feels. Trump has at least stumbled upon the correct policy regarding Russia.

Jill Stein, who is on the take from both the Russians and the GOP

I guess liberals are still on the Russiagate bullshit jagoff

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 4 points 9 hours ago

Ooh, tell me more! I used to love a good fairy tale. And this one sounds like a doozy! But just like you started, make sure it doesn't have anything that matches reality - that'd be great. Thanks!

[-] BelieveRevolt@hexbear.net 17 points 9 hours ago

What doesn't match reality? Kamala bloviated against Iran, calling them America's greatest adversary. She's affirmed her support for the genocidal apartheid state of Israel many times. She thanked Dick Cheney for his service to the country, which includes two illegal wars that killed millions, in case you don't remember.

Trump at least supports discussion with Russia, which is the right move. Absurd that a clown like him is the only one to suggest it.

[-] UlyssesT@hexbear.net 12 points 9 hours ago

Ooh, tell me more! I used to love a good fairy tale. And this one sounds like a doozy! But just like you started, make sure it doesn't have anything that matches reality - that'd be great. Thanks!

[-] frauddogg@hexbear.net 20 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Hypothetically and only for the sake of argument, let's say Harris "supports genocide"

There's no fucking "hypothetical", collaborator. "Harris stands by Israel's right to defend itself". Even NBC, one of your state-controlled rags, is saying it. God, I despise gaslighting, gladhanding collaborator garbage like you.

"Vice President Kamala Harris offered a full-throated defense of Israel in her convention speech Thursday night, echoing the language of President Joe Biden that has drawn criticism from pro-Palestinian protesters."

You can't simultaneously offer 'full-throated defense' of a genocidal, illegitimate settler colony and then expect your 'calls for ceasefire' to be understood as anything other than plausible deniability and cover-running for genociders.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 7 points 10 hours ago

Wow, I never realized you could see outraged, frothing at the mouth spittle flying around via text before. Thanks for the educational moment.

[-] frauddogg@hexbear.net 20 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

The better parts of you clearly soaked into the mattress on the night of your conception. You physically disgust me, in every way, you smug fuck. What galls me is I went to the effort of finding evidence from a rag somebody like you would read, and all you've got is soulless redditorisms.

I eagerly await the fall of your society.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 7 points 10 hours ago

Do you need a hug? It sounds like you need a hug.

And jokes on you, I was conceived in the backseat of a car. Don't you feel foolish now?

[-] UlyssesT@hexbear.net 22 points 10 hours ago

Do you need a hug? It sounds like you need a hug.

Once again, Everyone That Disagrees With You Must Have Emotional Problems/Trauma And That Makes Them Wrong And Unworthy, a bedtime story for scratched liberals.

[-] frauddogg@hexbear.net 20 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Die screaming, thanks. I don't even have anything pithy for this, I just pray for the absolute worst for you, and everybody like you.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 5 points 10 hours ago
[-] ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net 30 points 12 hours ago

We know Trump supports …let's call it "Genocide+"

Holy shit it's you, the liberal every leftist has been joking about for a year. I'm sorry we spoke you into being with our irresponsible comedy.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 8 points 12 hours ago

You really should be more careful. I could be in the room with you right now!

[-] UlyssesT@hexbear.net 23 points 12 hours ago

You really should be more careful. I could be in the room with you right now!

Everyone That Disagrees With You Is Mentally Ill And Mentally Ill People Are Fundamentally Wrong And Must Be Silenced, a bedtime story for scratched liberals.

[-] TC_209@hexbear.net 25 points 12 hours ago

You support genocide. You're a geek without a soul.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 11 points 12 hours ago

Oh no! A cutting remark about my username!!! However will I survive?!

[-] frauddogg@hexbear.net 18 points 10 hours ago

However will I survive?!

If the Creator was good, you wouldn't for long; but since we live in a godless modern analogue of Babylon and this hellhole hasn't been smote yet, I'm not exactly hedging my bets.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 4 points 10 hours ago

You all are getting Creators? -

[-] TC_209@hexbear.net 23 points 12 hours ago

Over 200,000 Palestinians haven't survived the past year and you don't care. Never trust a narcissist to have anyone else's interest at heart.

[-] UlyssesT@hexbear.net 20 points 12 hours ago

Oh no! A cutting remark about my username!!! However will I survive?!

I should know better

Yes. You should stop posting because you're convincing no one and your posts are only pleasing yourself in a kind of embarrassing way.

[-] CleverOleg@hexbear.net 29 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

We know Trump supports …let's call it "Genocide+"

We do know that? Biden and Harris are currently ok with the IOF sealing off an area with 400k+ people in it, hoping to starve them to death. No, if you’re going to claim Trump will do something more, be specific. Because outside of dropping a nuke on Gaza there isn’t much more that can be done, we’re at what essentially is maximum genocide that is reasonably possible.

I believe most people think Harris will make getting a permanent ceasefire and supporting a two state solution central tenets of her administration.

michael-laugh hahaha point-and-laugh-1 point-and-laugh-2

Oh wait, you’re serious. Oh you sweet summer child. I can even be mad at you. But not only do most people not believe this, most people know this is patently false because it IS false. Btw the reason people like Blinken and Harris bring up a 2 state solution is because Israel has made it functionally impossible.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 7 points 12 hours ago

I should know better, but sure, I'll bite. You want specifics of what Trump thinks?


In an event later on Thursday about tackling antisemitism, Trump criticized Biden and Harris' months-long calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel's hand behind its back, demanding an immediate ceasefire, always demanding ceasefire," Trump said, adding it "would only give Hamas time to regroup and launch a new October 7 style attack."

Trump added: "I will give Israel the support that it needs to win but I do want them to win fast."

In the same event, Trump also labelled pro-Palestinian supporters calling for an end to U.S. support for Israel's war as "pro-Hamas thugs" and "jihad sympathizers." He threatened to arrest and deport them from the U.S. if he became president.

Netanyahu's office and Trump both separately denied on Thursday an Axios report that said they had spoken the previous day about Gaza ceasefire and hostage release talks.

This was back in August, and the dude has Bibi on speed dial. If he cared one iota, he could have been leaning on Netanyahu and making public calls for an end to Israel's crimes since this started. But he hasn't and he'll do far worse if elected. Hell, he'll send US ground troops throughout the region killing civilians right and left if the price is right. And sell Ukraine down the river too. Never trust a narcissist to have anyone else's interest at heart.

[-] CleverOleg@hexbear.net 26 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

You might want to sit down for this but… Donald Trump is a big talker, and will usually bloviate well beyond what he’s actually capable of doing. Yeah of course, he uses more genocidal language but so what, how does that translate into action?

Biden has given Bibi everything he’s asked for. The administration has provided diplomatic cover for every single genocidal action that taken place. Weapons are sent to Israel without delay, to the point that supplies are getting stretched there’s talk about how Ukraine and Israel can’t both be supported (guess who’s losing out there btw). Every time Biden draws a red line, Bibi crosses it with zero consequences.

But as you correctly point out, there is really only one way a president could be MORE genocidal than Biden, and that’s by committing ground troops. I should point out that Biden has already done this with the recent THAAD deployment, but that’s not a massive commitment of personnel. But no, neither Harris nor Trump will be committing troops because not only would that end up being a disaster, but because doing so defeats the purpose of Israel. Israel exists in order to do America’s wetwork in the region. For reasons of both domestic and foreign policy, America can’t be seen as directly causing so much blood to spill in the region, so it gets outsourced to Israel. The CIA and State Dept know all this too well and neither Trump nor Harris are gonna cross them.

[-] TomBombadil@hexbear.net 24 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

To the quotes from Trump about Kamala working tirelessly on a ceasefire... He's lying. No she isn't. If she somehow has been she has been both utterly ineffective and for some reason totally silent on her efforts. Trump lies all the time. If she was doing that it would be good but Trump is lying.

He's also not specific about what additional support it is he'd give Israel. I don't really believe he could give them more than Biden and Harris are. What, materially, could he do for them that Biden would refuse to? He didn't offer specifics atleast.

Democrats, including Kamala, have insinuated that Pro Gaza protesters are terrorists and called them antisemitic. Under Biden police brutalized and allowed the brutalizing of protestors by right wing mobs. Again this is Trump more or less agreeing with the Democrats. He's not offering specifics about how he'd be worse. He's promising to be but that's just because he wants to talk to his base.

And as to the last point regarding US troops... Well Biden is currently sending a THAAD missle defense system that necessarily requires American troops to operate. So looks like we heading there under the Democrats for sure.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 6 points 12 hours ago

He's also not specific about what additional support it is he'd give Israel. I don't really believe he could give them more than Biden and Harris are. What, materially, could he do for them that Biden would refuse to? He didn't offer specifics atleast.

So you're expecting restraint from the guy behind an attempted coup? The guy who had to be talked out of wanting to nuke North Korea? Listen, I'm not expecting to change anyone's mind - we're obviously coming at this from different perspectives. It's not just "both sides bad", it's that all sides are bad, or at least imperfect, and you need to make a choice.

I prefer the deeply problematic former law enforcement politician who will never be exactly what I want versus the nearly-octogenarian lying, cheating, clearly insane guy who I believe would be the biggest step towards a civil war, World War III, or both.

I want Palestinian lives to be saved, I want Ukrainian lives to be saved, I want American lives to be saved. I want clean air and water for the generations to come. I want everyone, not just Americans, to have a chance at a better life and control over their own lives and bodies. Chances are I may not get any of those things, but my best shot at getting any of them is to vote for the person who seems the most sane. It's the only choice I have.

[-] fox@hexbear.net 20 points 11 hours ago

I want Palestinian lives to be saved

Harris is going to continue Biden's policy of calling Bibi an asshole behind closed doors and sending billions of dollars of bombs while structuring shipments to avoid congressional oversight.

I want Ukrainian lives to be saved

Harris is going to continue sending billions of dollars of support to Ukraine so more Ukrainians can be fed into the meat grinder, because it's good for the military industrial complex, and the less of Ukraine there is left standing, the more can be sold for pennies to privatization interests. Russia has been offering peace for a long time and Ukraine has been made continuously to reject it by Western nations because it's in their interest to burn Russian military assets and sell Western ones.

I want American lives to be saved

Harris does not support universal healthcare and talks about wanting the deadliest army on Earth, a thing that you cannot have without killing people.

I want clean air and water for the generations to come.

Harris supports bailing out crypto investors. If she gave a shit about the environment she wouldn't subsidize the Planet Burning Funny Money. She'd also perhaps distance herself from Biden, who has signed more oil & gas leases than Trump did.

I want everyone, not just Americans, to have a chance at a better life and control over their own lives and bodies.

The American Hegemony is one in which millions must starve to death every year and billions live in substandard conditions to support the excess of a few million privileged consuming monsters. If Harris cared to improve lives she wouldn't support the continued wars in Israel and Ukraine, she'd support M4A, she'd break with the neoliberal doctrine she's run with her whole life, she'd name and reject the neocolonialism that keeps America floating on top of the broken bodies of the global south. She will never do these things, but she will put a Republican in her cabinet.

Harris is further right than Biden. Trump is an uncontrolled rabid ape, correct, but Harris will be no less vile or murderous a leader, just less openly rude. Her border plan is more extreme than Trump's was.

History has showed us that voting for the lesser evil doesn't work. There is no righting of the ship, just more and more steps towards greater evil. The Democrats serve capital, just as the Republicans do. They didn't grant abortion, a Supreme Court decision did. They didn't legalize gay marriage, a Supreme Court decision did. They never enshrined them in law, but stole credit for the work of radical activists when polling told them it would boost their voter count.

Are the Dems less repugnant than the GOP? Yes and no. They don't want to ban abortion federally, great, but they're not going to legalize it either, and they're not going to stop the GOP from banning it state by state. That's how they are on every issue.

You speak of voting between 100% Hitler and 99% Hitler as the only choice you have. I reject that framing. Local political action is vastly more effective than voting for President unless you're one of the lucky 100,000 that live in the right swing districts. Join the DSA or the PSL. Go to school board meetings and tell the book burners driving cross-county to try and ban transgender students to fuck off. Read revolutionary theory and discuss it with others.

[-] TomBombadil@hexbear.net 17 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

I do not expect restraint from him but I also see no restraint from the current administration.

I hope you will realize you do in fact have more choices than voting for genocidal candidate A or B.

I'm not the voting police I don't care how you rationalize voting or not but regardless be clear eyed and realize what you are doing. If a genocide is an acceptable amount of baggage for a candidate to have that can be a choice you make but make no mistake about what you are accepting.

[-] geekwithsoul@lemm.ee 5 points 10 hours ago

So in this situation, are you suggesting Stein, de la Cruz, West, or Fruit? Because other than as a "protest" vote that hands it to Trump, what does that do exactly? Let's say air traffic controllers are busy with all the flying pigs, and somehow Stein wins. She's woefully under-qualified and she's literally the leading third-party candidate. What exactly do you think she or any one of them would be able to do? They're not serious candidates, and are more likely to setback efforts at building third parties than advancing them.

Protest votes can be useful in primaries but are pointless in general elections. No serious candidates have been building a party with a chance at knocking off the Dems and GOP for the past 4+ years, and instead they only come out every presidential cycle to fundraise and maybe grab a few headlines. The last mildly "successful" third party candidate for President was Perot, and (thank god) he did nothing to shift the national conversation. No one remembers the protest votes, they only remember who won.

I've been voting since 1988 and active in community and political organizing the whole time, and pretty much every candidate I've backed in the presidential primaries has lost. Every election has been a somewhat dissatisfying choice that has lead to a few policy wins and many more disappointing loses. But absent a magical unicorn national third party that builds a grassroots movement that can actually affect change, I'm left with choosing what I believe is the only option with a hope of something better and against the option that would definitely bring me and my loved ones harm, as he would bring harm to literally millions of others. You can say I'm selling out my principles, but I say any other choice is selling out my fellow humans around the world and in the US.

[-] UlyssesT@hexbear.net 19 points 11 hours ago

but my best shot at getting any of them is to vote for the person who seems the most sane

Once again, you're a liberal that seeks the aesthetics of what you perceive as normalcy over any other possible value. It's lowkey ableist shit that ignores that plenty of "sane" nazis carried out their duties with diligent "sane" efficiency before and during WW2, and many were perceived as so "sane" that after the war they became founding members of NATO.

[-] Aatube@kbin.melroy.org 3 points 12 hours ago

Not only will Trump genocide thyjjyjyjyjyyjjyyjyjyjjyyj Middle East, he’ll germicide the USA as well

[-] BurgerPunk@hexbear.net 18 points 12 hours ago

Is this a bit?

[-] AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net 16 points 12 hours ago

Trump Derangement Syndrome lives in every liberal that can just say out loud with no reason besides 'orange man bad' that the unconditional and enthusiastic support for genocide that already exists would be worse under Trump.

And I honestly don't believe you're acting in good faith. I think you're a disgusting fucking piece of shit that's just latching your own personal cause (electing a nazi) to the cause célèbre.

[-] basmati@lemmus.org -2 points 13 hours ago

I voted PSL, enjoy literally being a member of the Nazi party.

[-] Aatube@kbin.melroy.org 3 points 12 hours ago

As an anarchist, how the hell is collaborating with the election promoting revolution?

this post was submitted on 16 Oct 2024
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