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What language is that? Korean? I’m awful at differentiating between Chinese and Korean. And if anyone has a tip on that front, I’d appreciate it!
This may help.
I always assumed Mongolian used something closer to chinese/japanese. That’s a wild looking language. Frankly, I don’t even know how to thank you for answering my question so concisely and completely. This will be a massive help!
Glad to help!
I found it useful as a little kind of mnemonic to call out the distinctive features of each language.
The one major thing it misses is that Japanese uses some of the Chinese characters, so you have to check for the “stabby/loopy” characters mixed in to tell; and sometimes there aren’t any if the text is short.
Mongolian uses either the Cyrillic Script or the traditional script, seems the traditional script is becoming more popular
Probably haven't seen the Georgian script either
That was an interesting read!
One tip is if you see a circle, it's Korean
Also if they're speaking Korean and you're in Korea, then it's DEFINITELY Korean.
No way
I’ll remember that!!
Korean, judging by Seoul on the street sign
My tip off was that anti-musk fervor is unlikely to exist in either China or Malaysia. I’ve gotten by on context alone for years. No one questions my ability to differentiate between the two, and yet, I harbor a complete inability to tell them apart. Someday, I might learn. But not today. Today, I skate by on context once again
If it looks Chinese but there are circles, it's Korean.
The Korean script is actually extremely simple. You could teach yourself to read it in just a few minutes. It won't help you understand the meaning of the words, but you can at least know the sounds. Here's a pretty good guide. Personally, having lived in Korea for a few years, I take issue with some of it. For example it's generally more useful to think of ㄹ as L in all cases, not only when it's a syllable coda, and some of the vowel sounds are especially poor (particularly ㅡ, which I think is better approximated for the average English speaker as a stronger version of the hidden vowel between the th and m in rhythm). But for the most part it's very good.
But the main point is, even if you don't learn to read the script properly, just spending a few minutes skimming through that guide should stick enough in your head to be able to easily and instantly recognise Korean as Korean.
The tricky one for me is Chinese and Japanese, if the Japanese text is heavy in kanji. Incidentally, Korean has its own equivalent of kanji. It's called hanja (the regular Korean text is hangul). It used to be used in much the same way kanji is, but has largely died out over the last century or so.
It's not perfect, but I've found Chinese to be 'boxier'. Please don't ask me how I define that exactly but I'd put identifications at about 70-80% accuracy as someone who can't read kanji.
That was an interesting read. So Korean has 23 fundamental sounds in it, if I’m extrapolating correctly? Compared to the (iirc) 28 fundamental sounds of English
I would say 24 based on that guide.
14 consonants with their own characters.
8 vowels.
The "y" sound from adding a second dash on a vowel.
The "w" sound from putting two vowels next to each other.
But amusingly, the way I was taught, ㅐ and ㅔ are pronounced the same. I dunno if that's a difference between Seoul and Busan accents, or my teacher just oversimplifying for our sake because they are at least similar (one's close-mid, the other open-mid, but both are front unrounded vowels, according to the phonemes Wikipedia says they make, and Wikipedia even suggests "bed as examples of both for Australian English pronunciation). So if you do take it that way, it does become 23. But I'm guessing when you said 23 you were forgetting ㅇ makes an "ng" when it's a syllable coda? Or maybe forgetting the "w"?
I mis-mathed o. When I mentally corrected the number of sounds, I accidentally subtracted one rather than noting 0 additional sounds from o. Still, it’s interesting that it’s so many fewer sounds. It also sent me down a bit of a phonology rabbit hole, where I learned that Korean was likely used as the basis for the written script in “Tunic.”
Seoul National University on green street sign says Korean.