Stop use docker
Welcome to Programmer Humor!
This is a place where you can post jokes, memes, humor, etc. related to programming!
For sharing awful code theres also Programming Horror.
Weak one. Let's ideate on a better version
Virtualization was supposed to reduce the overhead, not create entire DevOps departments.
Years of containerization yet no real use over
make clean; make build
Wanted to deploy your app in the "cloud" anyways for a laugh? We had a tool for it, it's called
Let's run a virtual container in
mode, so we can manage system resources from it -- Statements dreamt up by utterly DerangedLook at what tech interviews have been demanding your Respect for all these years. (These are real documentation examples for how a simple virtualization supposedly works)
Hello, I would like to put 20 Terabytes of "images" into my
, please!They played us for absolute fools!
A good example of a similar meme: https://i.redd.it/uew0stv0mff61.jpg
last image: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334087756/figure/fig1/AS:774748120313856@1561725754142/shows-the-framework-diagram-of-Docker-Docker-Host-contains-containers-images-and.png
Your version is better than OP
The owner of the site does not allow hotlinking to the resource.
And who's gonna stop us?
Cloudflare, apparently
And I feel like this is going to be my new
Find My IP
agree or disagree with facts and arguments.
Right now it's not clear if your reaction is pointed towards the privileged mode or towards its criticism.
You don't support superposition yet?
...I mean, not running monitoring software as container, would be an idea.