this post was submitted on 15 Jul 2024
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RimWorld colonies can look awesome, awful, impressive, dull, overwhelming, lame, stunning, boring, intriguing, uninteresting, legendary, whatever. If you have a render of a RimWorld colony, feel free to post it on Rimworld gallery! If you are in doubt about posting, please read below. Please note: screenshots are not hi-res & will be removed

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1. High resolution renders only No screenshots, please use PR (Steam / GitHub) to make renders. Here's tips for the settings. You may upload regular/additional images in the comments

2. Post the entire map or as much as possible of the surrounding terrain. If surrounded by mountain and/or ice, modest cropping is allowed. Please keep the render square.

3. Use descriptive titles Think colony/seed name, colonist count, biome, background info etc.. So not: 'I was told to post this here'. 'The others are probably better.' Or without any additional info: 'My current colony' 'My last colony'

4. Repost? After significant expansion Reposting from /r/RimWorldPorn is allowed without restrictions A new post of your expanded colony is welcome. To prevent spamming the feed, not too often. If you've posted elsewhere or want to: It is ·YOUR· colony, so if you want to (re)post it anywhere else, don't let anyone stop you!

5. Ships must be landed Complete ships may be posted only when landed on a non icy tile. Instruction video

6. No plagiarism If you share someone else's render, give the original builder credit.

7. Self promotion RimWorld related self promotion is allowed, like for Twitch, YouTube etc; in the comments of a render relevant to your work, posted by you, once per colony. Wiki link · · · ·

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[–] 4 points 7 months ago

Things I personally like about this:

Retooling the 'outdoors' grow areas (middle-top-left, and left) to be nutrifungus farms for chemfuel production. I'd put separate zones with pathways just so I could manage sowing a little better - I kept on having half sown fields, that would then be harvested on different days (and re-sown) and that just annoys me. So 'turning on' one field at a time, ensures the planters focus their efforts.

The double-geo-vent greenhouse in the top right.

The 3x3 grid of bedrooms in the bottom left - all 'countess' grade.

Lighting in the 'temple' to bring out the highlights of the high life carpet.

Finally figured out that 'Wondrous' tier was a thing, and thus the throne room is. Themed in black and gold with generous uses of paint. (The black dining chairs are actually silver, but the gold ones are slowly getting replaced with actual gold chairs).

Kitchen/corn store is mixed, and straw matted for 'walking areas' with sterile tiles under the shelves to boost the cleanliness a bit. Straw matting is because I feel it's better than sterile - cleanliness in a kitchen only matters below -2, so having a whole room at 0.6 doesn't really help much. But having straw matting means a -15 blob of 'filth' just doesn't show up as quickly in the first place. The room is also larger though, to 'dilute' the cleanliness impact of one blob of filth, and the sterile tiles push the average up just a little.

The autobong in the prison is good for keeping prisoners in check - with the right amount of leg removal, they can be so borderline on moving around, that they're not causing any trouble even if they break, but they can still feed themselves, saving a bit of pawn-time.

Most of the solar power goes into sunlamps, and most of the 'baseline' energy is chemfuel. Next on the to-do list is a better nutrifungus-processor-chemfuel power plant. Chemfuel generators also generate some heat, so this is vented in to the base during the winter to keep temperatures up a bit more, and save a little on running heaters. (But I want to try using them as 'space heaters' for an nutrifungus crop).

No killbox here, we're using turrets and 'bunkers' - the mortar pit is mostly roofed so my nudist gunner can mortar during the winter.

Generally we've got paired 'batteries' of uranium sluggers, with a goal that they're walled between them so there's no chain explosion, but one battery covers the other. So one neanderthal with a breach axe can't wreck the whole thing.

Generous use of coloured lights for aesthetics.

Morbid 'style' imported just because I really like morbid carpets, so we've a mix of those 'ordinary' high grade carpet, and high life carpets. But because I also brought in hindu style, we don't have those boring morbid sculptures about the place.

We're just about transitioning to spring here, which is why you'll be able to spot psychoid/corn planted in the snow. It's not quite cold enough to kill it, and getting warmer, but the snow hasn't melted yet.