On this day in 1953, the U.S. and British governments initiated a coup d'état against the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh. Mosaddegh had been preparing to nationalize Iran's British-owned oil fields.
Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), later re-named British Petroleum, and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves. When the AIOC refused to cooperate with the Iranian government, the parliament voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.
In response, the British began a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically and engaged in subterfuge to undermine Mosaddegh's government.
Judging Mosaddegh to be unreliable and fearing a communist takeover, Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration overthrew Iran's government. The coup action was also supported by the Iranian clergy, who opposed Mosaddegh's secularism.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hired mobsters to stage pro-Shah riots and paid people to travel to Tehran and take over the streets of the city. Between 200 and 300 people were killed in the ensuing mayhem.
Mosaddegh was arrested, tried, and convicted of treason by the Shah's military court. Many of his supporters were imprisoned, several received the death penalty. Mosaddegh himself lived the rest of his life under house arrest, dying in 1967.
After the coup, the Shah ruled as a monarch for the next 26 years until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
The Iranian coup, 1953 libcom
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so probably not surprising at all, it seems like all these years of tech layoffs largely radicalized workers into hating Indians and treating their teammates as even greater enemies than before to not be the lowest performer targeted to be kicked out
I don't get how organizers can spend years and years on certain groups of people that are a complete waste of time - like these people - instead of focusing their efforts on something else more worthwhile
It's pretty hard not to fall into that. I've got Indian coworkers telling me off shoring my job is good, actually, because that's how they got started in the industry.
It's pretty hard to not be racist towards Indians? Okay buddy lmao
You said hating Indians and treating them like shit. I don't do either. It's pretty hard to ignore the fact that Indians are being used both here in the US and in India to undercut American jobs.
I'm not a nativist nor a protectionist. When it's your ass facing eviction because your job gets outsourced to Hyderabad it's easy to fall into the trap of blaming the workers there.
It's not. Every tech worker I know who chooses to blame foreign workers instead of their employers are already classist and racist af outside of this issue
Just because people grow up in a liberal environment it does not absolve them of their personal opinions and choices
True as fuck. If someone is a tech worker, looks at outsourcing to India and thinks anything but "bastard upper management is cutting costs with cheaper labour from the imperial periphery" they're a fucker. Cannot imagine looking at this and thinking India is the problem, ever.
Fucking liberals.
You're way overcomplicating things lol
Big boss makes decision that hurts them -> big boss is bad because they made decision that hurts them
Why are you throwing terms around like imperial periphery as if this concept I've laid out above requires any specific education or skillset to grasp. Almost all uneducated low wage earners I've met intuitively understand class dynamics pretty well
I mean yeah that's the guts of it, it is pretty simple. I said it because outsourcing your shit to India instead of hiring local due to it being cheaper and workers having less rights where you're outsourcing is probably part of the relationship between imperial core and periphery nations? It doesn't require any skillset or education to grasp, I just used big words is all
Okay I thought you were being sarcastic because of those academic terms being transposed onto the thoughts of tech workers lol, sorry
Nah I was just being
about the possibility of tech workers being based (unlikely)
What if you just don't be a weird racist xenophobe instead?