this post was submitted on 01 Sep 2024
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[–] 5 points 4 months ago

As anyone who has lived in a Rocky Mountain town can say, Distant bullies are pretty bad too.

But that's a sort of unique situation. Or it was until Reagan. See, the entire Rocky Mountain range is treated as a sort of internal colony.

Resources are extracted, but the people who own the companies doing the extraction all pretty much live on one of the coasts.

And then every store is also owned by someone who lives on one of the coasts.

This means that any real wealth produced in those states, quickly leaves those states.

A lot of towns in the area never really had a "down town" in the first place, and with the creation of Walmart and such, no one else gets a downtown either.

The answer of course is a bigger government. But it has to be free of corporate influence.

Which might just take a very big government. Like expanding the House and Supreme Court big.

Both are desperately needed.