I don't know if you can even call some of these conservative shock jocks or stand-up guys comedians.
US News
News from within the empire - From a leftist perspective
Yeah. Being offensive isn't funny, it's just mean.
Based MalcolmX pilled, time to stop singing and start swinging.
Bro white people just elected a reality TV star as president for the SECOND time
Some may find BreadTuber F. D. Signifier’s video essay of interest. I thought it was good, as a Burgerstani cracker, which is an audience he tries to educate. But again, it’s squarely in the BreadTube category.
This video looks at the 2000s Spike Lee film "Bamboozled" and examines what it says about the concept of "co*ning", aka being a black person who explicitly works against the interests of other black people. How and why do Co*ns do what they do? What should we understand about them in order to address the harm that they do?
Lamar is definitely not an example of c__ning in that they explicitly uphold white supremacy. I can't speak on him because I don't listen to his music but from what little I have listened it is nothing like that. But the thing of interest to me is the lending of the legitimacy to white spaces. Like if you think you are sticking up to the man by performing at concussionmania half time you are deluded. Especially stuff like Grammys and Oscars are a massive circlejerk and it is kinda shameful that anyone at all gives a shit about it. Like what is the point of Beyonce winning her 40th Grammy or something like that?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I kind of understand the people that do this, projecting their own hopes and dreams over famous people or things. I've seen countless times how seomone mentions X show or Y person "has an anticapitalist message" and later down a discussion they regrettably have to admit it really isn't, getting their hopes up just to be disappointed. It's like there's a need to have one's ideology reflected in the media one consumes or parasocial relations where one can just fill in the gaps (which doesn't happen with closer interpersonal relationships where replies to questions is what fills the gaps).
After more than a century, it should be clear that no tiny bit of revolutionary culture can get through the capitalist mainstream. It should be automatic even, the fact these are completely incompatible (by the active work of the press, shareholders, CEOs, managers, or even direct government action if need be). Revolutionary culture shouldn't be confused with passing remarks, slogans or subtle nods, which inevitably leave huge gaps that can, like with media or people, be filled with one's imagination. Same with mild messages of support, which are nice, but could never amount to anything more.