Software craftsman
Fart sniffer detected
A place to post ridiculous posts from
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
Software craftsman
Fart sniffer detected
Am I wrong or does that title he's given himself directly contradict his dislike of code ownership? Or is it just he assumes he deserves credit for the code written by any of his subordinates?
Code ownership implies that 1) changes to that code are bottlenecked/gatekept by its “owner”; 2) code is siloed and there’s poor organizational collaboration culture.
“I am enabled to seek out the needed background and change what I need to move forward” vs “that’s not ‘our/my’ code, we can’t touch it. Let’s file a DEP ticket against that team and wait a few months”
that particular point likely refers to the fact that he prefers shared ownership: ie nobody should be “the one you go to for X part of the codebase”
Yeah, I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that.
Lmao ok ill just follow best practices and end up inadvertently writing an orm from scrach then 🙆♀️
Whatever this guy supposedly architects, it ain't software.
This might be my type of job. I ssh into a server and build the backend using bash scripting in nano. HTML and CSS is also done using nano on the live server. No SCRUM needed. We have a large group of testers we refer to as "customers", and they pay for the privilege.
Real devs write each http response by hand. If you use a server you're a filthy casual soydev
Lol. Let’s ban accountability, refactoring, and debugging, never work alone, never coordinate, avoid productivity, and refuse ownership—then scream when things break, don’t integrate, and fall behind schedule.
"This is all your fault!" built-in. Why didn't you intuitively know what myX is supposed to do and how it's used?
Provocation just for "engagement" really. 102 comments so, to some degree, it works.
E: Guys, it's satire. Lol.
That's great! I wouldn't want to work for him anyway.
Hating on Lombok and setters simultaneously seems contradictory.
In an effort to make the post full of engagement bait, the dude ironically made it less engaging.
Remove every bullet point except Lombok, and you got yourself a proper flame war.
Code Ownership
Lol did someone try and make him maintain the shitty code he wrote
Individual accountability
more likely a reference to someone being the 1 person you go to for a particular part of the codebase like they own it
Just build whatever you want on prod and disappear after the deadline so they can never ask you to update your code
Sorry the developer you are calling is out of scope.
Golang outside of infrastructure
What does that even mean?
Devops/IaaS/Kubernetes stuff.
He's missing out on HUGO, Gin, Surf and Ebitengine just to name a few.
Golang is petty slow with a GUI I've found, a web UI works well but GTK or something like that is slow. Maybe that's what he means?
Ideal situation: single guy working from home, no pets. Neighbors describe him as "pretty quiet" or "I dunno."
There are two types of software engineers: those who are anxious and those who are narcissistic and grandiose. This guy is easy to place in the latter category.
NGL I was on board at the first line. He lost me quickly after though
- ORM's
No, just write a repository to expose domain operations and implements them using SQL directly. Trying to fake OO object graphs against a RDBMS with a super-complex and leaky ORM is just painful.
When you don't have a downvote button, all you get is an echo chamber
This feels like a facetious post because what. There’s no way he’s serious
No mutable types? So like.. no lists? no for ... i++?
I get that there are alternative approaches, but I don't quite see why you'd want to go to that extreme with this idea? It's useful for some applications but even for a simple video game it's likely not helpful.
It's perfectly possible to work without mutability.
Is it desirable to be entirely without it? Probably not, but leaning immutable is definitely beneficial.
There are non-mutable lists and every other data type.
“for… i++” is easily replaced with a foreach, range, iterable, etc… in any language of reasonable capability.
Extroverts cannot comprehend introverts.
Good riddance.