Man, just go back to normal trains and now computers with attached trains. Can't hack or remotely kill what doesn't have a computer in it.
Right to Repair
Whether it be electronics, automobiles or medical equipment, the manufacturers should not be able to horde “oem” parts, render your stuff useless if you repair it with aftermarket parts, or hide schematics of their products.
Summary video by Marques Brownlee
Great channel covering and advocating right to repair, Lewis Rossman
Erm... There's a lot going on inside an electrically powered train. Even a diesel engine has a computer managing fuel flow and diagnostics.
More importantly, you need networked computers to handle automatic train safety systems, a requirement in the EU from what I understand, after several notable rail crashes up to the 70's.
Modifying the software of a device YOU OWN, should never be illegal in and of itself.
Absolutely. Maybe an exception for video game multiplayer cheating, but that's the only thing I can think of. Any other situation I can think of just enriches the computer to the massive detriment of the user.
Force modified clients in a seperate lobby. Mods can be fun and extend shelflife of games immensly.