Well, they picked a theme and went with it.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
Posting guidelines.
Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
the photo itself (finger over the lens, too far away, people in the shot, bad Photoshop, etc.)
the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
the actual listing itself including unusual descriptions and unrealistic pricing. However, this isn’t a community to discuss the housing market in general. This is a comedic community - let’s keep it light.
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Its not the theme or the going with it, it how badly they went with it. That ceiling decoration in the lounge is so .... wrong. And you can buy repro ornate ceiling mouldings that would actually look OK if applied correctly too
I mean, I'm not saying I like it, but it probably looks much less garish IRL.
The estate agents have clearly taken the photos on an overcast day, then (with their usual cack-handed approach to photography) fucked with the sliders in Photoshop until the pictures look less dingy.
I was with you until I clicked through and started swiping at the pictures.
The aesthetic approach seems to have been circling every area that didn’t have trim and adding trim to it, then doing that again and again and again
They say Art Deco, I reckon it is more Louis Quatorze. Imagine going all highfalutin like that and your "kitchen" is just tagged on the side of your living room like a commoner.
I think it’s the block of flats that’s Art Deco rather than the interior of that particular one, which is as you say more Louis Quatorze. If he’d been from Essex.
Ah yes, that makee sense as it was built in the 1930s.
It's not hideous, just not the most comfortable-looking either.
Honestly with some dark rugs it something it might not be ugly.
Keep swiping the pictures
I would have been stoked to live there in my 20s.
My reasons for not wanting to live there now have more to do with it being an apartment than the aesthetic.
This is where hedonism bot lives.
I refuse to believe that this isn't a "hidden item" mobile game.
Had to squint to look at these images. How do you keep this place clean? So many places you need to dust.
I like the golden toilet brush.
Simple, servants 🙂
The Queen of France called, she suggests that you eat cake.
The old fashioned way of modern all-in-white style.
I like that there's no escape
It's definitely a place where gold lamé slippers and a silk smoking jacket would fit right in...
And one of those long cigarette holders.
If the toilet is not made of gold, no deal!
I was surprised to see lions over the couch instead of a reclining nude.
The lions are nude, if that helps...
Pooey XIV
Louis Shatorze
Who knew you'd find this level of hyper-chintz bordello in Acton?
Am impressed & not for the first time want to become a documentary maker just as an in to get to hang out with people I never knowingly encounter & to tell their story.
Dictator chic on a budget
Potential buyers:
Location, location, Location. And a reasonable layout.
That is some crazyhouse decor, hopefully it doesn't come furnished.
It's giving Florida senior living condo.