Just wondering, are there a few variations for each region? Randomly picking from say, 3 or so different loading screens seems like it would be in line with some of the other variety features, such as the three-part music tracks or the three sad ghost dialogue lines per region.
Actually yes, there are variations! You see the whole splash on landscape, but for portrait mobile users the game picks between 2 different vertical slices of the image.
Interesting idea, how many variations are there
Are there any variations for entering boss floors? I think that would be really neat. Like when entering floor 10, you get a splash art of a single locked cell or something like that
As I mentioned, there are 2 variations, for portrait users. The game picks one of these each run and sticks to it, this is mainly because loading screens (except for the 1st one for each region) only last for a second, and so changing up the image would be very jarring.
A really nice little detail ๐
The sewers art looks amazing, just what I was picturing but way better.
I'm so ready for the beta, I know this is going to be my favorite one.
Looks like a skyrim dungeon haha
Pixel Dungeon
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