Seems like something really easily addressed through the app. I can't blame the customers if they expect it to be delivered to their door. I can't blame the driver's for not wanting their shit stolen. Just make it clear up front.
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It's not the app, the company tell the the driver is not required to go up to customer's apartment door. It's the customer obligation to go down and get the food.
Some drivers go up there in goodwill and then everybody think it's their duty to always do that
Honestly all these fuckin delivery services are bullshit and I can't understand why other than the pandemic they got so popular.
I remember the first day the pizza shop I worked at started using door dash. It immediately made everything harder for no reason other than pure laziness on the customers side.
Every convenience for the customer is just another inconvenience added to the shit list of being a food service worker.
People got comfortable with it.
Based. Those lazy mf can't go to the door to get their food? Hire a personal chef and a nurse if you need someone to mouth feed you.