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Something something FOXDIE something something LA-LI-LU-LE-LO...
"I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock.
I need scissors! 61!"
George Sears for president
Cave Johnson comes to mind…
Old Man's War coming to fruition.
Well that was more like uploading your consciousness into a newer better body … but I can see how that’s close enough.
Well, the clone was based on their genetic material. Enhanced musculature, green skin, and yellow cat-like eyes with enhanced vision, and nanobot-enhanced artificial blood.
Not the same, obviously, but a step closer towards something similar.
When will they start getting the gene-seeds ready?
Do they mean "soldiers"?
The vast majority of soldiers don't fight.
They’ve been calling them warfighters since the 80s.
What if they're marines? Have you ever tried calling a marine a soldier to their face? I don't recommend it.
One time, I was trying to motivate a retired marine friend of mine who was being lazy by saying "on your feet, soldier!" as a reference to Terminator, myself being ignorant of the difference.
Credit where it's due: it got him on his feet.
As a civilian, I'd hope they'd show some understanding that we don't give two fucks about their petty distinctions.
Also: I have family in multiple branches, so I know the difference, and fuck any of them who take an attitude with me over it.
As a Marine (got out many years ago), most of us don't give a shit. Some did while they were active duty, but it was only when other people brought it up to get a reaction from the Marine. There are still some loud Marines that would say something just to be loud. We come in different flavors of annoying.
While I was recruiting, I was called a soldier by a few teachers and parents and it doesn't matter. What matters (to me) is the intent, most people are making an honest mistake. Some are trying to get a reaction out of you, I might respond if it was a bit friendly, but I mostly ignore it.
Being called a Marine instead of a soldier, is part of the brain washing. It helps point to something and say "That's why we are better. Marine is a proper name and should be capitalized. Also don't put your hands in your pockets. That for the nasty Army to do and not the Marines. We get held to a higher standard."
In my experience "soldier" is fine. Just don't call a Marine a Sailor.
But they’d love to tell you about their favorite flavor of crayon!
I've seen them get pissy and at least correct people over either, but YMMV I guess
Looks like the warfighter would be made of a bunch of different RF connectors.