There are a few surprises like that hidden in the game's code ;). Although I think ratmogrify is the only notable one that's actually implemented into the game.
That's how I learned Java, and it was a huge motivator in getting me involved in the field to begin with.
There's a ton of Easter eggs in the code, plus unused classes and sprites, and the art style isn't that difficult to pick up, which makes modding Shattered a surprisingly possible project even for someone just learning Java. It does take some time to get yourself familiar with how things work and programming constructs, but it can feel super cool to make your change and play with it!
It's a long road to do anything truly major, but if you stick to it and have ideas you can absolutely make them happen.
Ooo that's a fun one. There's an Easter egg you can do to get this armor ability with any class. It's pretty fun to use but I won't spoil it for you...
it has to do with the dwarf kings crown...
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