[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 23 points 3 weeks ago

Now I love boiling down the pitfalls of modern western society into large statements like "capitalism bad" and "communism good" as much as anyone, but having dealt with a bunch of people dismiss good change as "that's communism" has made me rethink how I talk about topics online and in person.

Now the accelerationist are gonna be mad about this for sure, but maybe you should start small, and discuss topics at a more local level. Then again the internet is world wide and everyone wants to talk about grand scale things.

Basically, I've stopped telling people outside of my direct circle that leftism cool, and instead talk about socialised medicine programs, pushing for support of worker owned productions and business, getting involved with coop housing. Lot easier when you don't have to bump up against the red scare.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 3 points 4 months ago

Not meaning to add anything super meaningful to the conversation.

I think its funny that for what feels like since the beginning of humans, we've been debating centralised solutions vs distributed solutions. Its like a universal constant source of debate and will probably still be discussed long after were all gone.

I just think that's neat.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 2 points 6 months ago

Idk maybe it's cause I don't live in as much of a two party system as the US, but essentially still a two party system.

I think there's value in strategic voting. I don't know what the equivalent would be in the US but strategic voting for the lesser of two evils at a national level and then voting more true to your convictions at a municipal and provincial level is still valid.

Again my opinions probably don't work in the US electoral system, but voter apathy is a big part of how rights get eroded where I'm from. A party or political figure stays in power because of apathy and then they just keep getting away with shit. At least if you cast a vote it can be seen as you participating in the democracy.

I will say there is something to the act of not voting as being a part of democracy, but truly I think along with abstaining any functioning democracy needs a "none" option.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 9 points 6 months ago

I don't think we'll see this any time soon, because corpos probably won't listen to any creative that presents this, but I want something where the LLM runs locally and is just used to interpret what you are asking for but the dialogue responses are all still written by a writer. Then you can make the user interaction feel more intuitive, but the design of the story and mechanics can just respond to the implied tone, questions, prompts, keywords from the user.

Then you could have a dialogue tree that responds with a nice well constructed narrative, but a user who asked something casually vs accusatory might end up with slightly different information.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think that things like wanting to celebrate a country and acknowledgement and a day of mourning and acknowledgement of the horrors that happen to indigenous people can both happen in parallel.

Honestly, if it's intended to be a day about celebration for the history of a country it'd be cool if in the future people could celebrate the reparations and acknowledgement that have been made since now. It's like the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was yesterday and the second best time is today. So a movement like this is good because in the future it'll be another thing to celebrate for your country.

On a related tangent, you guys could get another holiday specifically for remembrance of the lives lost from colonialism and get another holiday! Canada did it a few years back and now they only have 2 months with out a federal holiday.

Edit: For context, this is coming from the perspective of a Canadian, and our founding fucked over the indigenous pretty badly here well up until current day, but super fucked them up until like as late as the 1990s, so that's where I'm coming from with my feelings and thoughts.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 4 points 8 months ago

In life it's been mostly pure luck, but one of the few things I really recommend is to keep in the loop about rebates, programs and services offered by my federal and provincial government. Stuff like rebates on first time home buying, electric bikes, and energy efficient equipment is nice cause I bet I saved at least 3000$ total.

In recent time tho the biggest one has been getting a bicycle. I got an e-bike but even a regular bike helped me stop paying through the nose for gas when I was just burning it mostly sitting in traffic.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 2 points 8 months ago

This is incredibly bizarre. I feel like the problem with modern interfaces isn't that "everything is an app" it's that companies making their apps don't actually care about convenience, accessibility, or intuitiveness. They are targeting more purchases, or subscriptions and if that means sacrificing or forcing the design of a GUI to have dark patterns they'll do it.

I do like the concept of this as an accessibility tool for people with limited mobility, but I also think we should be encouraging that on the OS and app developers end. I think accessibility is one of the few things AI could be used for on a daily basis. As a sort of stop gap.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 1 points 9 months ago

I feel like most of the things such as dependency hell and at least some amount of data models and routing can be resolved by using custom elements tho. I can agree to a certain point that HTMX could lead to a simple markup based approach, but it's still a matter of learning another library and all that junk. In a perfect world I feel like there should just be an equivalent to maybe the `` element that could on becoming visible makes an Http call to lazy load and plop in some inner HTML. I guess you'd still be missing the whole events driven by attributes part tho.

I don't know if I think this whole HTMX stuff is silly cause I'm jaded, or don't see a use case for it personally. So take my comment with a huge grain of salt.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 1 points 9 months ago

I wish you the best of luck with your strategic voting, hopefully the lesser of two evils has some amount of representation for you.

I don't really understand the US' electoral system, but you guys seem really boned by the whole two party system. Like no wonder everyone is so grumpy and unsatisfied all the time when you guys seem to just have two big parties that span such wide gamuts of views and policies.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 2 points 10 months ago

I wonder if they are banking on, to put it into meme terms, "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point".

And obviously I mean that in terms of a "great point" for the opposition.

I really don't know anything about the parliamentary system of this country, hell I barely know enough about my own country, but this seems like at the best an interesting play and at the worst a huge miscalculation that will bite them in the arse.

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 2 points 10 months ago

Are the pads on the bottom like some sort of rubber or hard plastic?

[-] AlmightyTritan@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

Try to indulge me, as I try to humanize the people you are talking about in a way that might resonate with you.

Imagine you work 40hrs a week, getting paid minimum wage or next to minimum wage, the housing market continues to worsen around you as rent continues to increase but wages don't. If you have a place already and are just barely scraping by living paycheck to paycheck, which a lot of people are these days. One small bad financial day from an emergency or unexpected cost and you're screwed. You miss your rent payment and you get evicted. Now, if you don't have a safety net of people, which we can't guarantee everyone does have living family or friends that will take you in for a month while you get back on your feet, you become homeless. You get fired from work because you've taken too many unpaid days off to try and get your life sorted so you don't have to sleep on the streets. Now you can't get another job because most places won't hire you without an address, and collecting unemployment becomes difficult because if you have no address and no direct deposit you can't get it mailed to you to claim.

As for the drugs that you say they have chosen to ruin their lives with, a pack of cigarettes, a small bag of weed, some opiates, or alcohol costs a whole lot less than rent for a month or even a motel room for the night.

The financial and housing situation for a lot of people out there in the world is really fragile, and if you add on other issues that I didn't list such as mental health issues, lack of education or job experience with any education you have, or existing addiction, it can really add up and make it so your going from sleeping in a small bachelor's apartment one night to sleeping on a park bench the next.

I don't fully ascribe to the concept of communism myself (it's a good label for most folks but I'm too picky about nitty gritty stuff so say I like it when I would want to adjust a few things about it), but I definitely think social housing is how you fix homelessness. Cities and states / provinces waste more money dealing with homelessness the way they do now then just building them socialized housing.

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