I think that was only part of it. The other part is this:
Alcohol can also splash, spill or leak out of the fire pit reservoir during use, causing a flash fire that can spread and create larger, hotter flames that can escape the unit.
I think that was only part of it. The other part is this:
Alcohol can also splash, spill or leak out of the fire pit reservoir during use, causing a flash fire that can spread and create larger, hotter flames that can escape the unit.
Yeah, Nvidia is pretty bad on Linux in general in my experience. Especially with Wayland. AMD and Wayland run very well, however.
I run the non-deck variant with the traditional DE (KDE 6, in this case). I admit that I haven't tried the deck variants but it should work similar with the difference being the default environment to boot into, irrc.
I use Bazzite exclusively on desktop. It's pretty much unmatched, and it "just works" out of the box especially on AMD.
Aw, someone is upset! They really struck a nerve with their comment, didn't they?
It’s important to note that this is not an SOS feature — like the iPhone’s Emergency SOS — that’s meant to be used only in emergencies. This means you won’t be limited to messaging emergency services; you’ll be able to message anyone you want. It also means the feature can be used anytime your mobile connection disappears.
Neat, I thought it was going to be restricted to emergency use.
No fucking thanks.
Not even close.
The best part of this is how Zendesk's blog post claims that Zendesk discovered the issue, and then blamed the 15 year old for not following ethical principles.
Define "military grade", because that usually means that it's actually the lowest grade.
Using the D-Wave Advantage, they successfully attacked the Present, Gift-64 and Rectangle algorithms – all representative of the SPN (Substitution-Permutation Network) structure, which forms part of the foundation for advanced encryption standard (AES)
Ah, so they didn't actually get close to cracking AES, they just want to scare people into thinking that they did. I'm not exactly sure what the headline means by "hack" here.
"Please leave on your own so we don't have to fire you and give you severance"