
joined 3 months ago
[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

And? We want all kinds of people on Lemmy not just 'skilled' people

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Sure but we should still improve UX

The UX the way it currently is filters out non tech savvy people, so we mostly end up with tech savvy people here.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Why April 16th?

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)


UX is like a Joke, if you need to explain it to someone it's bad UX

[–] -3 points 3 weeks ago

Two things can be true at the same time.

Yes reddit doesn't care about their users.

But also the old reddit is worse for the vast majority of people

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

How old are you?

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

We should do both.

Give people a good UX, and build solid communities.

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Having a barrier to entry just filters out non tech savvy people, and creates a bubble.

We want all kinds of people on Lemmy, not just tech savvy people.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

That is a UX issue.

UX is like a Joke, if you need to explain it to someone, it's a bad Joke/UX

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The UI is fine, you can use Photon or other modern UI's

The UX is the problem (User Experience), the defaults just suck and many will give up before even knowing better UI's exist, or finding the right settings to make the default UI work for them.

Just picking a instance is intimidating and many will give up before that, we should guide them to pick an instance or choose a default and give them the option to change.

[–] -2 points 3 weeks ago (22 children)

How old are those friends of yours?

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Whether or not we want mass adoption I can't say, but what we don't want is to have a filter that only tech savvy people get past.

We want all kinds of people on Lemmy, not just tech savvy people that push through the bad UX

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