Filling the fbi hot line up with Bartman pranks
Turns out assad was always a corrupt pos.
How pissed is Russia that it gave him t-90s.
He saw his pear shapped speedo pics get leaked.
Most likely because Iran will fall to chaos just as fast as Syria has. It's an old decaying regime that is led by an ancient husk that picks fights with any reformist.
Syria is a great case study of. Hey let's fix this shit as fast as possible. You really shouldn't just let decay set in and rot for years.
Russia is really a joke. They have gone their historical route of fighting Ukraine through attrition. And it's looking like it's costing them what few global out posts they have
Silence speaks volumes
Chill guy music intensifies in a chill manner
His brother was a snitch. Lame.
It took how many months for the government to figure out the Unabomber?
Are whole system is 10x more inept than back than
The one vouyer on x outting him self as a narc for no reason at all
What no nut November does to a guy
He is a Texan
The reality is that Assad had to have sucked horribly. No one was willing to fight for the guy they just kept retreating than went okay we disband.