[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 26 points 9 hours ago

Government so small it can only oppress the poor and middle class.

[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 28 points 11 hours ago

Not enough people show up to vote. Biden got more votes than Greg "Piss Baby" Abbott yet he's still our governor.

[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 5 points 12 hours ago

TIL WoW is still running.

[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 29 points 18 hours ago

This is why I thought Joe should've been the fall guy for this. Start being the dictator the Supreme Court says he's allowed to be an then Republicans will immediately snap to and passing this amendment will be their highest priority. He doesn't even have to drop bombs or anything. Order troops to go into GOP controlled states and help boost voter registration.

[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 5 points 18 hours ago

That's been their strategy for years. Repeat some bullshit over and over in an attempt to change the definition or reduce the severity of it. They've did the same thing quite well with socialist and communist. Even liberals are afraid to say these words because we've been hardwired to think those are as bad as the term Nazi.

It'd also be a big middle finger to Cannon, but clearly political, to nominate him for SCOTUS.

Bad USBs would be on there for sure. Maybe an updated version of the floppy disk (so a USB drive) that catches fire.

Stealing someone's phone number or reading their texts.

Card skimming, though less useful these days with chip tech.

Making and running ROMs for Nintendo Switch.

Various ways to pirate besides torrents.

Product return scamming.

Jailbreaking your vehicle.

Stealing a catalytic converter.

Lots of other stuff involving the Flipper Zero.

I'd second this but including ways to hide your mining rig in a public area (not paying for electricity and running 24/7).

Haven't used it for such things lately but Bing used to be the search engine for porn. Like all engines I think they start out great but then start to tweak the results to basically only serve what they want you to see. Helping you find what you want to see becomes a distant in second.

This is literally illegal for anyone in the private sector (and most public sector employees too I wager). Why not just extend the rules to include them?

Thank you Lemmy, for making it so much easier to walk away from that dumpster fire!

[-] BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

~~Will take me some time to fully digest this but I do wonder if this is too far.~~

~~Apply same trading rules as the private sector? Sure. Limit trades to broad market index funds only? Sure. No trading period? Um, okay, fine. No trades for any family members and sell off all shares? Like wow. Nuclear option. That would actually discourage me from running for Congress and I don't have $10k in investments (retirement funds aside).~~

I take back what I said given that the bill excludes ETFs and mutual funds (not mentioned in the article). Also, after reading the article again I do think it's not strict enough. A fine for violations? So now we're back to making corruption a fee-based service. The penalty should be $1000 for each day the stock is held plus the absolute difference between the purchase and sale price (I don't want them to get the tax benefit either).

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Couldn't find the project in my browser history or Lemmy saves. I'm pretty sure it was Lemmy though that led me to find a GitHub project similar to OSTree. It sounded like it was maintained by one person and it hasn't been updated in a long time because the author thought it was "done" and they used it frequently.

It was a tool that let them basically create images that could be booted from and it was easy to layer software on top of a base image and I think there were config files similar to Containerfiles but didn't look the same. Don't think it be was "goldboot" either but that might be a little closer to what the project does. I don't think it was something Fedora specific either like bootc.

Update: Found it! It was in the history of a laptop I rarely use (of course). The project is https://github.com/godarch/darch and it does appear to be those things I said: layered, docker-like, bare metal, and OS agnostic.


I just pulled down the latest Firefox Dev Edition AppImage and still getting the same result. I try to login to GitLab and I get an endless loop of checking whether I'm human or not. I tried to turn off tracking protection for GitLab and Cloudflare and added both to accept all cookies. In the network tab it eventually shows 403s. Anyone else have this happen or know if I can disable any more safety/privacy features to get it working?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world to c/nintendo@lemmy.world

Been waiting for it to go on sale and figured my son might like it since he plays Minecraft a lot. Wondering if I gotta watch out for in-game purchases though (can I require password for purchases?) and online interactions (def don't want him chatting with others). It is seems pretty hack and slash but if a lot of reading is involved maybe he's too young for it (6 ½).

Edit: Sorry, meant to say Dungeons, not Legends.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I've looked at a lot of other immutable distros and I might just end up using one of those, but I feel like taking on a bit of a challenge and there's a few things I'm not very keen on with existing solutions (last paragraph is my idea if you want to skip the context).

Most immutable systems I've seen require a reboot in order to apply system changes. What is this, Windows? Yeah, reboots are quick but restoring my windows and getting back into my groove is not quick. Also, every immutable OS I've seen wants you to opt-in to a rollback. Rarely do I see the full effects of installing a package or altering a config immediately. By the time I notice an issue maybe it's too late to rollback to before the change or maybe I've done a few other things since and I don't want to rollback everything. I would much prefer to make "rolling forward" or persisting changes to be a very conscious process.

I started messing with BTRFS and I think I've come up with a process that will get me what I want, no matter the distro. Please poke holes in my idea. So I think I can use BTRFS to hold data for the rootfs in three different subvolumes (at minimum): root-A, root-B, root-Z. root-Z is my golden image and it represents what I want root to look like after reboot. root-A and root-B are the active and passive instances of rootfs, but which one is active will flip-flop after every reboot. So if I boot with A, B gets replaced with the contents of Z. In the meantime I can do whatever I want with A. Not sure how I'll update Z (chroot or "promote" the active subvol to be Z) but without an update every reboot is an automatic rollback.



This stuff moves so fast I really can't keep up and a lot of the research posted here goes a bit over my head. I'm looking for something that doesn't seem too out of the question given things like CLIPSeg. Is there some tool or library out there that will accept an image and a prompt and then generate a mask within the image that generally corresponds to the prompt?

For example, if I had a picture of an empty park and gave the prompt "little girl flying a kite" I should get back a mask vaguely in the shape of a child with a sort of blob mask in the sky for the kite. Of course from there I could use the mask to inpaint those things. I would really like to be able to layer an image kind of like Photoshop so it's not all-or-nothing and focus on one element at a time. I could do the masking manually but of course we all want fewer steps in our workflows.


Couple of things for me.

One is tiny croutons. I don't see them anywhere anymore. They taste the same but it's kind of a pain sometimes to keep the big ones on your fork. The small ones were a little more satisfying to snack on too.

Second is Blue Nehi. Never met anyone else that's tried or heard of it. Damn it was good though. Big Blue is kinda similar but those always taste under carbonated.


Official docs say it's for

Packages that are only needed for local development and testing.

Umm, okay. Not 100% clear there. Some articles mention things like ESLint or Jest (k, I'm onboard there) but others mention Babel or WebPack. I get that you don't need WebPack libraries to be loaded in the browser but how the hell do you bundle up your code without it? When you use npm ci or npm install you'll get all dependencies but isn't it good practice (in a CICD environment) to use --omit=dev or --only=prod?


Do I have to do some special search query? My favorites tab shows posts only.


I just went through airport security and was quite surprised how easy it was (relatively speaking). Didn't have to go through a body scanner, didn't have to separate liquids, didn't have to take out my laptop, and my boarding pass wasn't even scanned. Did some rules change? Is their thoroughness related to terrorist threat levels?


Just tried using it for the first time. I wrote some text, highlighted it, then hit the spoiler button. What I saw was this:

Don't show this

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