Why waste time being warm blooded creatures? Heat up planet and let air keep you warm 😎
I like this explanation better lol
Worked for dad, and grandpa, and his grandpa!
The article states the cop who heard the taunt traveled a long distance to be there at sentencing.
“Remember me?”
You missed the point. One’s own may never have to leave the page. But should one?
Cause it can always get worse???
Just spitballing here, but oxygenated cooled buildings for the rich, middle class subscribe for oxygen bottles while they are awake, lower class literally unable to think straight.
If you’re talking nuclear war, then there’s going to be another population bottleneck in human history. Not like we haven’t gotten past 6 already.
Like Colonel Sanders in the matrix says: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.
They just copy pasted the article from last year. And the year before that. And the year……….
I think the phrasing is wrong. GoG wants a public document detailing the legal estate transfer. Can’t just email them a death certificate and claim your a beloved grandson.
People have died because of wills. Shit gets messy.
Who dis?
A pleasant “no shit it’s a factor” feeling, always nice for some data validating what you know.
Do you want somebody to develop agent orange nanite edition? Cause this is the origin story.
POC: But we hate black/asian/latin people too!
Racists: That don’t make you white!
Pro tip: don’t hang out with people who judge others by uncontrollable factors.