Great time travel anime.
Alguém aqui ainda entra no Reddit?
Assim é complicado.
Half serious.
There is nothing you can do. You can't stop climate change and environmental destruction with your metal straws and reusable bags. You also can't save animals in a global sense. You can only pick a few and help them. Individual effort means nothing and even NGOs and activists are futile in this struggle.
Yes, those animals that you help shouldn't reproduce because the whole problem arises from excessive use of resources and one more mouth to feed is one more mouth to suffer starvation. On the other hand, it's so marginal that it doesn't make any difference. Environmentalists really need to understand that Karen the vegan won't make a difference, they need to make poor people from China, India and Africa refuse meat, poor people from Europe and America and middle class BRICS to refuse plastics and fuel, make sure that Nigeria never gets a middle class with cars and electronics, keep the US and Europe from renewing their car fleet even if they switch to electrics (they won't throw the ones that were already made into the trash), to have a chance of making a difference. And that won't happen because these people aren't stupid, it would make their lives worse for what? To make sure that Karen the Vegan and her kids can stay rich in a proper climate while they spend 2 hours per day commuting? No, lol.
Are you telling me you aren't willing to go into the wild, kidnap lions and try to castrate them?
You will save those who aren't born yet.
I used "main" in terms of popularity.
Keep playing to get more rich.
Most professional gamblers quit just before a big victory. I won't make that mistake.
Are you telling me that they aren't Chinese spies?
You are right.
I should add that, if you Bing it, you'll see that it's Outlook.
Now that's a proper answer!!! Google is for college kids, real workers use Microsoft.
You are welcome.
Fake news.
É a oitava, se não me engano. Infelizmente decidiram traduzir a Constituição atual, e não a primeira Constituição que foi a do glorioso Império. Se bem que só virou federação em 1891, então seria a segunda constituição, mas a primeira Constituição Federal.
Se todo mundo combinar direitinho, o país passa a parar de 2 em 2 anos ao invés de 4 em 4 anos.