Financial incentive for upvotes isn't a terrible idea since content is Reddit's business.
Reddit actually should've something like a "gold program" something like aftrr the first X golds each month, every aditional gold an user received becomes money or something like that. There are some people that truly give very useful information on the site and it would be smart to reward them. They arr truly content creators.
But somehow I think financial incetives to upvotes will only favor cat pictures and bots...
~~I'd add a D and balls to their antomy, right above the P. It would make sex more interesting and make hentai more realistic.~~
Oh. From social interaction and dating. I think I would make their beauty/attraction rating more evenly distributed, like men rate women. It's really sad that they (women) can't feel attraction for someone who isn't a rich bodybuilder and feel like they are always settling. Meanwhile, somewhere there is a dude beating for an old obese woman...