
joined 2 years ago
[–] DoisBigo 1 points 2 years ago

Financial incentive for upvotes isn't a terrible idea since content is Reddit's business.

Reddit actually should've something like a "gold program" something like aftrr the first X golds each month, every aditional gold an user received becomes money or something like that. There are some people that truly give very useful information on the site and it would be smart to reward them. They arr truly content creators.

But somehow I think financial incetives to upvotes will only favor cat pictures and bots...

[–] DoisBigo 2 points 2 years ago

Mate, I won't explore my city because I'm afraid of crackheads. I'm definitely not locking myself with a bunch of crazy adrenaline addicts on a giant metal tube.



[–] DoisBigo 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

What that has to do with being child free?

[–] DoisBigo 2 points 2 years ago

Só se vc me der uma lancha pra eu ficar fazendo ondinhas.

[–] DoisBigo 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Repito: só serei a favor de qualquer medida pra impedir o aquecimento global quando tivermos praia em Brasília. (Ou pelo menos em Unaí).

[–] DoisBigo 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm a hot chick who will send you nudes as soon as you transfer me bitcoin.

Trust me bro, I'm from the internet.

[–] DoisBigo 24 points 2 years ago (3 children)

That's cool.

But did you clean your tummy today?

Don't let your emotions and your happiness keep you from doing important stuff, like post here, start communities, reply posts, and clean your tummy.

[–] DoisBigo 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Is the piercing fully healed? How was it? Do you think it increased or decreased sensibility in the area?

[–] DoisBigo 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Talvez seja Deus te dizendo pra se reconectar com seu passado.

Vc tinha namorado(a) 12 anos atrás? Talvez esteja na hora de correr atrás dele(a).

Espero ter contribuído com sua dúvida.

[–] DoisBigo 16 points 2 years ago

I'd compare more to the Titan situation. Every day there is an expert explaining how they are doomed,

I'm not really watching anything because I don't visit reddit, but from time to time, news appear saying that it's sinking. Sometimes a starved seaman shows up talking about how the ship had split in half during a sunny day and they are currently attempting to use silver tape to glue it back together before a storm hits them. Then another one shows up a couple days later saying they no longer have food...

[–] DoisBigo 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You want the job that is offered to you, pays good, and won't feel like hell every day. This job may or may not be related to your field of study, but you better study something useful if you want to be taken seriously.

Stop thinking that you can pick and choose, sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. Some people can, most people can't.

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