I believe he was saying other news networks were trying to make people mad at the top. But Fox News is casting poor people as bad and lazy when they are not.
"Over the last 40 years, sadly, I think there’s been an effort to either make folks mad at folks at the top, or to be mad at folks at the bottom, Obama said. "And I think the effort to suggest that the poor are sponges, leeches, don’t want to work, are lazy, are undeserving, got traction."
To illustrate his point, the president brought up Fox News.
"If you watch Fox News on a regular basis, it is a constant menu," Obama said. "They will find folks who make me mad. I don’t know where they find them. They’re like, ‘I don’t want to work. I just want a free Obama phone’ or whatever. And that becomes an entire narrative, right? That gets worked up. And very rarely do you hear an interview of a waitress, which is much more typical, who’s raising a couple of kids and is doing everything right but still can’t pay the bills."
Yep, and this is from when he was president. Fox News is propaganda.
I think it is more like people don't have high paying jobs with extra money to save.
If the Republicans fix problems with immigration, they would lose their political platform.
Trump is running for dictator and to stay out of jail. He doesn't care about helping immigrants.
Elden Ring is a long and very fun game. I got the platinum on the ps5.
Why not? They seem to offer a lot of value to the Capcom games I have played.
The game is great. It on sale a lot too, but worth $30 because you get the game and the expansion for that price.
The hydra at the beginning?
I know pawns will learn the best way to fight a monster by being shown by you, have another pawn show them, or knowledge scrolls you can use on your pawn. You can check their knowledge on a monster and it ranges from 1 to 3 stars.
I will end up on a sorcerer and my pawn will end up a mage for healing. And I will hire fighter and ranger pawns then.
They learn how to react. Some were more guarding you, or more aggressive, or will pick up and mine stuff, etc. You can pay to retrain them if you don't like their behavior.
Thanks! I really loved the first game and the pawn system. Dragon's Dogma 2 is looking very good.
Corporation greed is real.
Corporations are not people. Workers are people.