Surely this was meant to be a geography teacher, with the map and pointer stick?
Mrs Doyle! Didn't expect to see you off Craggy Island.
A small town/suburb in Cork. Also the home of the Blarney Stone and the origin of the word 'blarney'.
Not a bad reach for a town of around 2k population.
Blarney beats Tipperary in this scenario.
There is a decent possibility he is a money mule, he may be unaware that what he is doing is illegal. There is some precedent specifically for criminals in China using people overseas as money mules.
Legitimate question, did you temporarily disable it, or did it just not manage to block this post because those words aren't in the title?
Sort of, yes. In it's earliest stages it was just an attempt at a FOSS.Minecraft like game, but it evolved into the engine/platform it is over the past few years. Minetest uses LUA as a.scripting language, which I believe Roblox also uses.
It's more than that, it's a whole engine and launcher combo for (mostly) voxel games, most of which again are Minecraft like, but some are very different. It's made some huge leaps recently, graphics wise and functionality wise. The promise of the engine is also being fulfilled with more original game projects being developed for it.
Good point, only thought of it after. Meteorology is as legit a subject as anything else.