Hosting costs probably. Rolling back a patch is a rare scenario and Steam would have to host every version of every game in their store on their servers indefinitely.
Do you really want to chat about that with the distilled essence of a million redditors?
Russia is far from overpopulated, they have only twice as many people as France. This war will most likely destroy a number of small villages, where most of their force is drafted from.
Spannend! Aktuell gibt es eigenen ähnlichen Vorwurf gegen Kienle Automobiltechnik, die einen 300 SL mit doppelter Fahrgestellnummer verkauft haben sollen. Bei den Preisen wäre das sicherlich ein lukratives Geschäft.
I actually have this movie on VHS lol. Never thought I'd see anyone else who knows about it.
this is literally me when i live in a society
TIL dass es Kinox immer noch unter der gleichen Domain wie früher gibt
Russland baut die Drohnen mittlerweile auch selbst:
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Ironic that you are complaining about a lack of nuance with the most generalized and misinformed post I've seen in a minute. Also, this whole situation is completely unrelated to the government.
Ja, das ist tatsächlich normal. Schadensersatz für Körperverletzung fällt hierzulande allgemein sehr niedrig aus. Kein Vergleich mit den USA, in denen man oftmals 6-stellige Summen zugesprochen bekommt.
At least Ukraine is not doing it in the middle of winter, unlike Russia.