guns from vending machines.

So my first reaction is scoffing at how ridiculous of an idea that is, but then I think about the US and it's not as unlikely anymore.

an 8-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy are among the dead.

Great way to radicalize the next generation.

It was rolled back, then they tried again, which was also rolled back.

I'm not even sure they need the unpaid fare excuse tbh.

E-Ink is actually magic.

Martin testified he was angry that night because he hadn’t yet made an arrest


Also car height.
I've been hit by a car about 20 years ago and I kinda just rolled on top of it and landed behind confused with a few scrapes.
Getting hit by a car whose bumper is about shoulder height is much more likely to kill you.

Honestly, I wish I had properly learned how to use that thing when I was younger.

I taught myself to sew by hand just fine and it's a useful skill in life for various smaller stuff, repairs, etc.
Still, the machine would make a few things much easier.

The machine does not agree with me.

We know, we just have tons of more meaningful criticism than his looks.

You have to be a special kind of asshole to shoot at someone who just made you waffles.

I couldn't find it using the model number on but it might be that the dishwashers themselves aren't FCC certified and they only send whatever wireless board they add to it.
Usually can find anything that has radio signals with teardown pics, etc.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

It's my little ritual, just in case there's ever an alternate ending where you rid the world of the amulet instead.

Toss it in the pits/volcano kinda vibe.

What useless stuff do you try on your runs?


Tell us what game you are currently, or recently played, greater than 6+ months old.

If the game happens to be on sale, a link would be a plus.


What if I'm happy, but still want to reject cookies?
What if I'm not happy, but also don't want to manage cookies?

theguardian's banner truth table:
| Happy | Cookies | output | |



| | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |

Is happiness a choice?

Spam (

If you know what spam I'm talking about, I'm sorry.
If you don't, don't bother looking for it, it's honestly not worth your time.
Either way, we've taken steps to reduce the impact of such an event.
As always, if you see any, report it.   Thanks,

Si vous savez de quel spam je parle, désolé.
Sinon, perdrez pas votre temps, ça en vaut la peine.
Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, nous avons pris des mesures pour limiter l'impact de ce genre d'événement.
Comme toujours, si vous en voyez, faites un signalement.


Curing tinnitus would sure be nice for a lot of people.


Annonce en français:
Des ajouts ont récemment été faits à la liste d'instances bloquées.

Comme celles-ci étaient des instances connues pour héberger du contenu illégal, incluant des communautés pedo, loli, etc. elles ont été bloquées sans discussion préalable dans l'!

Vous pouvez consulter à tout moment la liste d'instances bloquées au bas de cette [page] ( dans la section Blocked Instances.

Merci !

English message:We've recently added a few instances to the block list.

We usually made a discussion and vote in !, but this latest batch was a bunch of instances confirmed to be hosting CSAM, CP, pedo and/or loli content.
Since these are illegal, they've been removed without Agora threads.

At any time, you can see the current list of blocked instances here, all the way down in the Blocked Instances section.



cross-posted from:

The 17-day long wait for the 41 workers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel of Uttarakhand finally ended on Tuesday.


cross-posted from:

There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.


Message en Français:
Comme certains ont pu constaté, il y a eu beaucoup de spam de contenu gore ce matin a travers une panoplie de communautés. 

L'utilisateur en question a été banni localement et leur contenu effacé.   Ils ne sont pas encore bannis sur leur instance mère, mais vous ne devriez plus tomber dessus tant que vous naviguez avec votre compte

Désolé pour ceux qui ont eu à subir cette merde et merci à tous ceux qui l'ont signalé.  N'hésitez pas à signaler ce genre de chose quand ça arrive, soit via le petit drapeau (report), ou sur le chat matrix. 

Pour balancer le gore, voici un chat qui dort: 


English message:As some of you may have had the displeasure to see, there was a user spamming links to gore content earlier today accross several unrelated communities.

They've since been banned locally and their content removed.  While they have yet to be banned on their home instance, you shouldn't be exposed to their content as long as you browse from here your account.

Thanks to everyone for reporting it, feel free to reach out either through the flag report icon or the matrix chat whenever something like that happens again. 

Here's a cat to balance out the gore: 




Kala-azar is a deadly parasitic disease that's also known as Black Fever, or Visceral leishmaniasis.
It is the second most deadly parasitic disease (after malaria).

New admins: Intro (
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Hey there, This post is to let you know that and myself have recently been appointed as admins here by to help them and with moderation.

We've been meaning to introduce ourselves for a while, but hadn't taken the time just yet, here it is.

I'll be posting more about me as a comment below because this is getting long already.


@TheDude nous a récemment ajouté, @kersploosh et moi comme admins dans le but d'aider l'équipe (@TheDude et @imaqtpie) avec la modération du site.

Ça fait un moment que nous voulions faire ce post pour s'introduire, alors voilà.

Je vais écrire un peu plus d'info à mon sujet dans un commentaire ci-bas.

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago